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Thread: What is 'just incase'?

  1. #1

    What is 'just incase'?


    I have finally made up my mind.

    week1 - week8 500 mg sustanon per week
    week1- week4 25 mg dianabol a day
    post cycle clomid therapy

    I will also buy nolvadex for 'just in case'.

    I have three questions:

    1. Should I take nolvadex through week1-week4 or should I have it for a 'just in case' stituation?
    2. If I decide to leave the dianabol out of my cycle should I still get the nolvadex for a 'just in case'situation?
    3. Would you leave the dianabol out of the cycle? Or do you think that it will greatly improve the results? Keep in mind that this is my first cycle.

    Thak you in advance for your answeres

  2. #2
    what are your stats and goals?
    noveldex is used "just in case you start to develop gyno" (grow titties)
    gyno is caused by test/dbol and other gear converting to estrogen.
    you could run a antie estrogen like armidex or liquidex throughout your cycle if you like,it will also keep bloat down.and if you start to develop gyno(the signs are itchy ,burning nipples with a lump forming under the nipple) run the nov at 80 mg a day till sides start to go away,40 mg till they do go away and 20 mg till there gone.
    as for you cycle,it pretty light but you can still see decent results if diet and training are do both sus/dbol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: What is 'just incase'?

    Originally posted by Chris75

    I have finally made up my mind.

    week1 - week8 500 mg sustanon per week
    week1- week4 25 mg dianabol a day
    post cycle clomid therapy

    I will also buy nolvadex for 'just in case'.

    I have three questions:

    1. Should I take nolvadex through week1-week4 or should I have it for a 'just in case' stituation?
    2. If I decide to leave the dianabol out of my cycle should I still get the nolvadex for a 'just in case'situation?
    3. Would you leave the dianabol out of the cycle? Or do you think that it will greatly improve the results? Keep in mind that this is my first cycle.

    Thak you in advance for your answeres
    You should definalty have nolvedex's on hand and if you get symptoms of gyno start your nolvs . Some of the cool bros I know take nolvs throughout their whole cycle and thats why i was asking about that in one of my post but anyway if you are scared of gyno I would get some armidex , it worked for me but they are a little high but its better to be safe than sorry. I would throw some eq or deca in with your cycle and you will have way better results. I would up your dbols to at least 40 mg a day and you might want to throw in r ala and tyler liver detox to help your liver out. I think dbols are a excellent way to jump start your cycle especially when your on a deca /test or eq/test cause it takes about 4 to 5 weeks for that to kick in and Im no expert but dbols took about3 or 4 days and I was seeing results with strength and appearence ( bloated). GL bro oh yea I would recommend doing some research and understand how it works plus the pros and cons to it cause i would personally like to know everything about anything that goes into my body but the search button is a great tool anyway gl cya bro

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'd run half a tab of femara or armidex ed while on the dbols personally. But I am a little prone to gyno so maybe you don't need it. And I'd bump the dbols to 30mg rather than 25mg

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I'd lengthen that cycle, you're wasting your money only running sus 8wks, much if that test will not even have kicked in until wk4. Make it at least 10 and preferably 12 IMHO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    As far as your cycle is concerned, I think that since this is your first cycle, you will do just fine on 250 mg/wk Sustanon and 200 mg/wk Deca, with d-bol @ 30 mg/day. Extend your cycle to 10 weeks (Sust and Deca), and don't run Nolva if you don't get signs of gyno, there have been statements that Nolva reduces gains on cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    is this your first cycle bro?

    if that is the case then "just in case" should be "always have an anti -e on hand".
    you dont know how youre going to react to any gear you do, therefore you should have all the necessary precautions on hand if you need them.......whether you end up needing them or not.

    peace bb79

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Approaching Nirvana.
    if this is your first cycle i'd run enanthate or cyp instead of sustanon-- the single ester tests are better at doses of 250-500 mg. I'd also run to 8 weeks, evaluate your gains, and if you're still gaining go to 10 or 12 like was said.

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