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  1. #1
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    TRT Dose Test + Tren Acetate + T3 = Bloat??

    So I'm planning my summer cycle, and I'm thinking it'll go something like this:

    Test E 1-7 125mg/wk
    Tren A 2-6.5 120mg/eod
    Cytomel 1-7 30mcg/ed
    Armidex 1-7 .25mg/ed***

    **I'd rather not have to use an AI. AI administration seems to hinder my gains.

    Cycle Goals: Drop to about >7% bodyfat while gaining approximately 7-10 pounds of LBM

    22 Years Old
    6'1" 193lbs 9%BF
    Previous Cycle Experience:
    --Cycle 1: 1-10 Test Cyp 500mg/wk, 1-4 Anadrol 75mg/ed
    --Cycle 2: 1-10 Test Enanthate 800mg/wk, 1-4 Anadrol 75mg/ed
    ---->Cycle 2 + PCT Ended about a month ago. This cycle would be run in mid-May

    So here's my question...
    I tend to bloat the F up on almost anything. Creatine Monohydrate makes be blow up like a balloon. As expected, anadrol bloats me up too, but this isn't anything out of the norm. The long estered test I have experience with makes me hold a little water.... etc etc. So, what I'm asking is this: since I am prone to holding water, would a TRT test dose lead to excess bloating? If any bloat prone people have any experience with TRT test dosages please chime in. Also, I'd rather not use an AI on cycle as they seem to inhibit my gains, but if I have to I will.

  2. #2
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    bump for some replies

  3. #3
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    TREN will help keep the bloat off.

    A lot of people like to run HEAVY TREN.. and HRT dose of TEST..

    I have horrible sides on TREN.. so i hate using it..
    but I like the hard look it gives.

    so I kind of have to do the opposite.. I am running 9:1 ratio of TEST/TREN right now.. 90mg TEST/day 10mg TREN/day.

    yes i know its low dose cycle.. and i've ran many cycles, but I am responding very well.

    I feel the tren keeps bloat under control.. and if the time comes to bump it up, i will.

  4. #4
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    TREN will help keep the bloat off.

    A lot of people like to run HEAVY TREN.. and HRT dose of TEST..

    I have horrible sides on TREN.. so i hate using it..
    but I like the hard look it gives.

    so I kind of have to do the opposite.. I am running 9:1 ratio of TEST/TREN right now.. 90mg TEST/day 10mg TREN/day.

    yes i know its low dose cycle.. and i've ran many cycles, but I am responding very well.

    I feel the tren keeps bloat under control.. and if the time comes to bump it up, i will.

    thanks for the response man

  5. #5
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    bizump... help a bortha out

  6. #6
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    TREN will help keep the bloat off.

    A lot of people like to run HEAVY TREN.. and HRT dose of TEST..

    I have horrible sides on TREN.. so i hate using it..
    but I like the hard look it gives.

    so I kind of have to do the opposite.. I am running 9:1 ratio of TEST/TREN right now.. 90mg TEST/day 10mg TREN/day.

    yes i know its low dose cycle.. and i've ran many cycles, but I am responding very well.

    I feel the tren keeps bloat under control.. and if the time comes to bump it up, i will.
    Maybe just because you didn't keep a HRT dose of test

  7. #7
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    So I'm planning my summer cycle, and I'm thinking it'll go something like this:

    Test E 1-7 125mg/wk This is too close to your natural production dose, bump it to 200mg/week
    Tren A 2-6.5 120mg/eod Only 5.5 weeks sounds a bit worthless
    Cytomel 1-7 30mcg/ed your body produces about half itself, use it at least 50mcg/day
    Armidex 1-7 .25mg/ed*** Only if you need it imo

    **I'd rather not have to use an AI. AI administration seems to hinder my gains.

    Cycle Goals: Drop to about >7% bodyfat while gaining approximately 7-10 pounds of LBM

    22 Years Old
    6'1" 193lbs 9%BF
    Previous Cycle Experience:
    --Cycle 1: 1-10 Test Cyp 500mg/wk, 1-4 Anadrol 75mg/ed
    --Cycle 2: 1-10 Test Enanthate 800mg/wk, 1-4 Anadrol 75mg/ed
    ---->Cycle 2 + PCT Ended about a month ago. This cycle would be run in mid-May

    So here's my question...
    I tend to bloat the F up on almost anything. Creatine Monohydrate makes be blow up like a balloon. As expected, anadrol bloats me up too, but this isn't anything out of the norm. The long estered test I have experience with makes me hold a little water.... etc etc. So, what I'm asking is this: since I am prone to holding water, would a TRT test dose lead to excess bloating? Good dealIf any bloat prone people have any experience with TRT test dosages please chime in.I've never got bloat under 500mg/week Also, I'd rather not use an AI on cycle as they seem to inhibit my gains, but if I have to I will.If you need it, start taking it EOD

    Comments in bold.


  8. #8
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Maybe just because you didn't keep a HRT dose of test
    Eh, No.. I know I wasnt very specific haha but..

    I get chronic cough from Tren Acetate..
    I didnt always have it.. but i Had bronchitis a few years back, and ever since than I have not been able to tolerate much of Tren.

    I think u're referring to people's possible woodie problems with Tren.. I can say that at 1:1 ratio the sex drive was still there..

    yah another tren side-effect is the psychological effect, it tends to make me more possessive/agrresive i guess.. but a low dose of tren, u avoid that too.
    Last edited by Pooks; 04-09-2008 at 03:34 AM.

  9. #9
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Eh, No.. I know I wasnt very specific haha but..

    I get chronic cough from Tren Acetate..
    I didnt always have it.. but i Had bronchitis a few years back, and ever since than I have not been able to tolerate much of Tren.

    I think u're referring to people's possible woodie problems with Tren.. I can say that at 1:1 ratio the sex drive was still there..

    yah another tren side-effect is the psychological effect, it tends to make me more possessive/agrresive i guess.. but a low dose of tren, u avoid that too.
    I was trying to say that keeping a low dose of test will help a lot on calming down the sides of tren, since test magnifies tren sides on a noticeable amount, and I firmly think that a low dose test in conjunction with an higher of tren would bring less sides than making the inverse combo.


  10. #10
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    Comments in bold.

    Thanks Chucklee... so you haven't noticed much bloat on a TRT test dose (or anything under 500mg/wk for that matter)?

  11. #11
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Papi JR. View Post
    Thanks Chucklee... so you haven't noticed much bloat on a TRT test dose (or anything under 500mg/wk for that matter)?
    No, and I think I won't need to go above 500/600mg of test in my next cycles.


  12. #12
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    No, and I think I won't need to go above 500/600mg of test in my next cycles.

    I think I'm gonna go this route from now on.

  13. #13
    Big Papi JR. is offline Junior Member
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    a lil help anyone?

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