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  1. #1
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    Tbol, You got some real info?

    For the better part of the year i have been doing research, reading up on tbol. Sounds like just the sort of thing im looking for right now but real info seems hard to come by.
    Theres alot of info floating around out there but 90% seems to be parroted or cut and pasted from the same two articles. I also hear alot about bros getting ready to do a cycle or wanting to but not many who have.

    I would like to hear from both camps, the guys (like tai) who undestand the chemistry of it and the guys who have actually done a cycle or two of it.

    What are the side effects? What are the possible side effects? What resonable precautions should be taken? Is hairloss, gyno, acne, bloat, shutdown, etc a real concern here? Do you need to do a full PC?

    Yes, i have read scattered answers to most of these questions but no one seems too sure. The pat statement "Its like a cross between Anavar and Dbol " is so ridiculously unhelpful it should be banned.

    Sorry, im ranting. It seems to me that it is starting to make its way into the main stream so i would just like some concrete answers all in one place. Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    There is a guy, his sn is Billy3ktz or somthing like that. I can't check it right now because he's not on but he has actually cycled tbol for 10wks and he is a good person to talk to about this. I suggest you talk to him.

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Tbol is a poor mans anavar mixed with some dbol "ish" weight gain.

  4. #4
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Have you done a search for tbol? I just did and got 122 results. Anyway one of them has had to take it before. Nevertheless contact that person "billy3ktz." I know thats not his exact sn name but its close, there isn't another one like it. When you see it you'll know.

  5. #5
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    tbol is good because it CAN be ran alone, its definately not a "jumpstart" oral more of something you will run by itself or throughout your cycle. my experience with it was, it made me feel great, put on some pretty good mass, no real bad sides all the way up to 80mg+, the only real side i noticed is i still had my libido my guy just wouldnt stand completely at attention.

  6. #6
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    and anavar /dbol is somewhat right you put on some mass you get the well being feeling like dbol, you dont put on a whole lot of water but its not DRY.

  7. #7
    Bjohnson's Avatar
    Bjohnson is offline Associate Member
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    i need to qualify...

    Yes, i have done many searches on tbol, and most seem to asking about it, many are cut and pastes of like 2 articles iv read countless times, and some have a bit of personal knowledge. Tbol is just kind of making a comeback so you don't have alot of bros with alot of experience with it. Since it has been on the rise recently, im hoping for some input from some guys who have done a couiple cycles, and understand the chemisty of it.

    I understand that the effect you get could be described as a cross between anavar and dbol , but its more the sides im wondering about. Dbol has alot of wicked sides, anavars are pretty mild so that statement just isn;t helpful.

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