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  1. #1
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    how do i find scientific research or studies RE:

    how do i find scientific research or studies RE:
    using Test E. i'm trying to find dosage and duration. i want it for athletic performance and TRT and don't want to go above 200mg per week. will i need PCT even at this dose. should i do a cycle of 12 weeks. how do i go off and then not lose all my gains. if i cycle down, say 200mg, then 100mg, then 50mg, then 50mg can i avoid the crash or needing PCT. does PCT aid in keeping gains. thanks.

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by newrobb View Post
    how do i find scientific research or studies RE:
    using Test E. i'm trying to find dosage and duration. i want it for athletic performance and TRT and don't want to go above 200mg per week. will i need PCT even at this dose. should i do a cycle of 12 weeks. how do i go off and then not lose all my gains. if i cycle down, say 200mg, then 100mg, then 50mg, then 50mg can i avoid the crash or needing PCT. does PCT aid in keeping gains. thanks.
    Whats ya age and stats?

    Do you wanna do it at a low dose cause you might get tested?

  3. #3
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    45, 5'10, 185. no, i want a low dose cause i am just not willing to get into heavy AAS use. i just don't want to **** around with my hormones too much. i want to do this as sanely (if this is possible) and as well-informed as possible. pro female bodybuilder friend of mine told me to start low, build up to 200mg and then come down and shouldn't need any PCT. i don't want to take 300 or 400 or 500mg.

  4. #4
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newrobb View Post
    45, 5'10, 185. no, i want a low dose cause i am just not willing to get into heavy AAS use. i just don't want to **** around with my hormones too much. i want to do this as sanely (if this is possible) and as well-informed as possible. pro female bodybuilder friend of mine told me to start low, build up to 200mg and then come down and shouldn't need any PCT. i don't want to take 300 or 400 or 500mg.

    If you're going to try to build up to 200, you might as well not do AAS, you'll benifit way more from you're own Test Levels.
    A good 500mg of Test is good enough for the lease amount of side's and the most of muscle..

    Man up!

  5. #5
    newrobb is offline Junior Member
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    breakbones: this is not true. are you an endocronologist? doing 50mg doesn't shut down ur own Test production. It adds too it. If you do 500mg, how do you keep the gains once you go off. do you want to start using all this PCT shit. Man, you are ****ing with your Hormones. Don't you realize this.

  6. #6
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by newrobb View Post
    breakbones: this is not true. are you an endocronologist? doing 50mg doesn't shut down ur own Test production. It adds too it. If you do 500mg, how do you keep the gains once you go off. do you want to start using all this PCT shit. Man, you are ****ing with your Hormones. Don't you realize this.
    Yes and no.

    Any amount of AAS will have the effect of suppressing the hpta, so it wont add to it.

    At 200mg a week it would be like an HRT dose. So maybe ya best route would be to go to the doc and get some bloodwork done if that's the amount you desire.

    When you do doses like 500mg you do a PCT (post cycle trheapy) afterwards to kick start ya hpta back into action.
    (Unless you are on HRT normally anyway, where you would just cut back at the end of the cycle to ya 150-200mg per week level)

    This quoted off another board.

    hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis

    We are most concerned with the "PT" part of the hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - . "P" being the pituitary and "T" being the Testes. To review, our hormonal responses are based mainly on negative feedback. For example, supragenetic levels of Testosterone or any anabolic androgenic steroids will signal the pituitary to stop secreting lh - leutenizing hormone - and will signal the hypothalamus to stop secreting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH). So, during an AAS cycle, we experience low, natural Testos levels, a reduction in testuclar mass, low LH, and low GRH. The goal of PCT - post cycle therapy - (recovery) is to get the HPTA back to normal.

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