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Thread: Safest steroids for hair loss.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Safest steroids for hair loss.

    If you suffer from male pattern baldness you are VERY limited in what steroids you can use.

    Limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var

    moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly. I have seen guys suffering from baldness use steroids and have devestating results. The steroids made their hair fall out rapidly, and it will never grow back. Bald at 20 = no fun! They all regret using the steroids listed in the "moderate hair loss" and "hello baldy" lists. I have early MPG myself and tbol and var are the only steroids that will probably ever use as they have minimal effect on your hair if you have MPB. I am just looking out for the balding brethern on the forum.
    Last edited by fedorrulz; 04-11-2008 at 01:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    If you suffer from male pattern baldness you are VERY limited in what steroids you can use.

    Limited hair loss
    1. tbol
    2. var

    moderate hair loss
    1. primo
    2. eq
    3. deca
    4. test with propecia

    Hello baldy!!!
    1. test
    2. halo
    3. tren (the worst)
    4. winny

    If you have MPB I would get on a regime of propecia, nizoral shampoo, and possible rogiane immediatly. I have seen guys suffering from baldness use steroids and have devestating results. The steroids made their hair fall out rapidly, and it will never grow back. Bald at 20 = no fun! They all regret using the steroids listed in the "moderate hair loss" and "hello baldy" lists. I have early MPG myself and tbol and var are the only steroids that will probably ever use as they have minimal effect on your hair if you have MPB. I am just looking out for the balding brethern on the forum.
    haha you and the beard thread starter could really help each other out.

  3. #3
    Tren is the worst huh?

    And you know this from first hand experience?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your GF's Hot Wet Snatch
    just use dutasteride and you wont have problems

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    Tren is the worst huh?

    And you know this from first hand experience?

    Real life experience. tren will scalp you if you have MPB. Same with Winny.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Chicago IL
    I would think that it might affect some people more than others depending on dose,cycle and genetics.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    yes, genetics is key. Hence the "if you have MPB."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I am a part time model and can't afford acne or hairloss. So I stick with OT and var.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Not to argue with your list but its a bit misleading. You are listing Tbol and Var as safe simply because YOU used them. I know plenty of guys who used Anavar and had horrible shedding! Now I do agree with Tbol and have only heard of one case of a guy claiming he shed on Tbol.

    Now Test (w/DHT inhibitor), Deca, and Eq are generally reguarded as very mild. In fact, I read about a guy who said he used nothing in terms to protect his hair and ran low dose Test with high dose of Deca and said he lost no hair...

    Point being, Var may have been gentle to you but some other guy may get scalped on it. I believe many people get scalped on things like Tren because they are using 1G-700mg of Test with 525mg Tren (highly androgenic substance itself) and you combine that with DHT conversion off test = scalp ownage.

    Primo is iffy too, I have heard of some guys saying that hair flew out of their skull on Primo...I discount Primo stories mostly because its so highly faked, they may have had Winny in their bottle.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2008
    If you have MPB, you will eventually lose your hair regardless. Everyone in my family is bald. I was losing my hair at 18, long before I ever even touched a steroid.

    I'll tell you this, accutane is worse for speeding up the process more than any of the steroids you mentioned.

    But, many people worry too much about it. I've seen crazy things like guys going get hair pieces, spending thousands of dollars to try and save their hair, and thinking women will not like them. If you know how to pull game, you don't have to worry about that. It's not really a big deal. Just shave it off. It looks cool and you don't have to waste time combing your hair everyday. I'm just about bald and still can get pretty much any woman I want. Gotta know how to talk to them and make the right moves.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    For people such as myself, I like to have hair because I enjoy having it...thats about it. I am not that worried about women, I am more worried because I like myself with hair vs myself with out it...its a long battle but you can dictate how fast you lose it if you try.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro View Post
    Not to argue with your list but its a bit misleading. You are listing Tbol and Var as safe simply because YOU used them. I know plenty of guys who used Anavar and had horrible shedding! Now I do agree with Tbol and have only heard of one case of a guy claiming he shed on Tbol.

    Now Test (w/DHT inhibitor), Deca, and Eq are generally reguarded as very mild. In fact, I read about a guy who said he used nothing in terms to protect his hair and ran low dose Test with high dose of Deca and said he lost no hair...

    Point being, Var may have been gentle to you but some other guy may get scalped on it. I believe many people get scalped on things like Tren because they are using 1G-700mg of Test with 525mg Tren (highly androgenic substance itself) and you combine that with DHT conversion off test = scalp ownage.

    Primo is iffy too, I have heard of some guys saying that hair flew out of their skull on Primo...I discount Primo stories mostly because its so highly faked, they may have had Winny in their bottle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i think test with a DHT blocker such as finasteride is the safest cycle for MPB sufferers. iv done two cycles of this and had no shedding at all. the other safe ones would be deca, anavar and tbol. As they are all low androgens.

    my next stack will be tbol, test, deca with finasteride 1mg

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by fedorrulz View Post
    Real life experience. tren will scalp you if you have MPB. Same with Winny.
    I'm using tren now and didnt have any hairloss til I added masteron.

    Really, the only ones that without a doubt will lead to hairloss are DHTs..

    Even with protection
    Last edited by football2007; 04-13-2008 at 03:37 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bruteman View Post
    If you have MPB, you will eventually lose your hair regardless. Everyone in my family is bald. I was losing my hair at 18, long before I ever even touched a steroid.

    I'll tell you this, accutane is worse for speeding up the process more than any of the steroids you mentioned.

    But, many people worry too much about it. I've seen crazy things like guys going get hair pieces, spending thousands of dollars to try and save their hair, and thinking women will not like them. If you know how to pull game, you don't have to worry about that. It's not really a big deal. Just shave it off. It looks cool and you don't have to waste time combing your hair everyday. I'm just about bald and still can get pretty much any woman I want. Gotta know how to talk to them and make the right moves.
    great point. Guys that buy toupee's and do the classic cover over = insecurity. Women can't possible like a guy that does that. My hair is currently shaved down to the number 2 attachment so I don't have to deal with the combing etc. I am considering drooping my propecia to 0.5mg becuse of the sexual sides and the higher than normal estrogen i am getting from 1.25mg a day.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    I'm using tren now and didnt have any hairloss til I added masteron.

    Really, the only ones that without a doubt will lead to hairloss are DHTs..

    Even with protection
    well not all DHT's of course as var and primo aren't known for causing hairloss like the other dhts (winny etc).

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