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Thread: Quality Mass Stack!! Review

  1. #1

    Quality Mass Stack!! Review

    Hey guys.
    Honestly this cycle is for a friend at he actually wrote it down for me to post.
    His stats 6'ft 197lbs.
    Did two oral cycles. and currently running a sust and eq stack.

    now for the juicy part
    Quality Mass Stack==

    wk 1-10 Sust 250 @ 250mgs/wk(i know low dose)but wants to keep it that way)

    wk 1-10 EQ @600mgs/wk

    wk 7-17 Primo Depot @ 200mgs/wk

    Pct=Clomid/Nolva wk 18-21
    HCG 2500iux4w wk 20-21

    Goals.. to gain lean quality mass. 10lbs (estimate) but more defined thats why he wants to finish with primo to define and boost results at end.Primo is known to give added strength and help retain quality.

    Question is pretty much has anyone done something similar or going to?And any needed adjustments for best results/ratio to side effects

    Any suggestions comments highly appreciated.. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    On, CANADA
    sus should be injected EOD

  3. #3
    should be , but some people do 2xweek and get no sides . theres still long esters in it .

    anything/anyone else. thanks

  4. #4
    ==bump= for some knowledge

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    New Jersey
    Seems pretty on point to me, I would up the sust dosage if i were him and maybe run the sust and eq for 12 or 14 weeks as EQ takes a while to kick in and it reaches its full potential when used in a longer cycle... thats just IMO

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Can see ya logic of keeping ya test intake low, less estro sides to have to try and control.

    Although ideally, and want of a better word, 'technically' sus should be shot eod due to the esters, a lot of guys are happy with twice a week.

    Split ya sus into 2 x 125mg,
    600mg of EQ a good amount,
    Up the Primo a bit if you can.

    Ya gains and hittin ya goals will all come down to diet.

    Make sure ya diet is spot on and you will hit ya goals.

  7. #7
    great advice guys thanks .. so every one will go home and do the same cycle great thanks.
    its been approved by the brethren

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the true north
    run that eq longer. just an idea

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    where is the mass part.

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