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Thread: how many people in here use letrozole in there cycle??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    how many people in here use letrozole in there cycle??

    hello im 29 yrs old 6.1 214 pounds 14% b fat
    im on my first cycle test c 500 mgs a week taking letro at .60mg a week
    im have way through my cycle getting good results. problem is the water loss
    i do always have a dry month and always thristy also feel a lot of letro to blame for this ??? pls advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i meant .60 mg eod

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what is your reasoning for taking letro throughout the cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i have a lil mantits dont wont them to grow even more

  5. #5
    maybe just get some liquidex then and run it ed at a low dose

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    I use letro throughout all of my cycles. I dont have any problems and my doctor actually said its better I do to help with water anyways since my BP is higher due to my use of AAS.

    That being said if I didnt have to use it I sure wouldnt. Well not as much as I do anyways. But I think you are using it as an unnecessary precautionary measure, if you have never cycled before I dont see a reason for you to be using it from the get-go.

    You "man tits" are probably a result of high bf% and not anything that indicates you will be at risk of AAS induced gyno.

  7. #7
    just keep it on hand in case your nipps start to itch and fet sore. if that happens start taking the letro!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    all i have is letroand for pct i have nolva and clomid

  9. #9
    feel sore

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    bino what doses of letro u take?

  11. #11
    Don't use it unless you have to.

    Like Bino, I pretty much have to take it, or I grow some nasty gyno..

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by football2007 View Post
    Don't use it unless you have to.

    Like Bino, I pretty much have to take it, or I grow some nasty gyno..
    x2 only use it if you need it. letro is pretty powerful and only use it if you see signs of gyno

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino View Post
    I use letro throughout all of my cycles. I dont have any problems and my doctor actually said its better I do to help with water anyways since my BP is higher due to my use of AAS.

    That being said if I didnt have to use it I sure wouldnt. Well not as much as I do anyways. But I think you are using it as an unnecessary precautionary measure, if you have never cycled before I dont see a reason for you to be using it from the get-go.

    You "man tits" are probably a result of high bf% and not anything that indicates you will be at risk of AAS induced gyno.
    Hey Bino:

    I can not, for some reason, send a PM so I am posting here. I have done a lot of research and it seems that you are the man when it comes to "nipple issues."

    I Have Horrible Symptoms Of Low T:fatigue, Weakness, No Libido, Weak Erection, weak orgasm, etc. I Have A Total T Level Of 367 (220-850) but A Free T Level Of 42 (40-240). My Other Comprehensive Blood Tests Have Been Perfect As Well As My Overall Health. My Doctor Prescribed Testim And I Am Waiting To See The Urologist on 4/21/08. I Took Testim for One Week: one per day for four days and two per day for the last three days. It Alleviated All My Symptoms! However, I Noticed That My Nipples Were Getting Slightly Puffy. They Are Not Painful Or Itchy- Just Puffy. There Is No Hard Lump Under Them Either, Just Puffy. As a result of puffy nipples, I Stopped Taking The Medication And Am Awaiting My Urologist Appointment. It Has Been 9 Days Since I Stopped The Testim; I Still Notice The Puffiness.

    1. Will My Nipples Return To Normal Without Intervention?
    2. When I Visit My Urologist, Should I Ask Him For A Serm Or An AI For Current And Future Nipple Problems?
    3. During Trt If I Get Puffy Nipples again, Can I Use A Serm To Alleviate The Problem? I Know That A Serm Is Good For Post-testim Use, But Can I Use It To Alleviate Puffy Nipples During Testim Use, or should I use an AI?
    4. What caused this? was it estrogen, progesterone, prolactin or just trt alone?
    5. If I decide to go off Testim for a bit, should I use a serm?
    6. Is this reversible?
    7. Inboth cases (during Testim and post Testim) which meds do you suggest?



  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    you cant send a pm, because you dont have enough posts yet........get your post count up, i think to 25 and then you can pm people.......Also, dont hijack other peoples threads, you need to start one of your own......

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    you cant send a pm, because you dont have enough posts yet........get your post count up, i think to 25 and then you can pm people.......Also, dont hijack other peoples threads, you need to start one of your own......
    Thanks! Sorry!

  16. #16
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    not a problem bro.......keep reading and soaking up the knowledge that is provided her, your post count will be up soon enough......Welcome...

  17. #17
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    To get back to the question at hand, i have used letro on my past three cycles, because i am very gyno prone.......I am going to try arimidex this time around, see if i can hold it at bay, and will use aromasin during pct......

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i used letro my last cycle and tried arimidex at .5 ed now it is not really working that well just order letro. Any suggestion on what to take daily (my nips are a little puffy now and sore from time to time) Omandren 250 shot eod and deca a 400mg per week

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Have you read my article on estrogen ??


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bbminded View Post
    just keep it on hand in case your nipps start to itch and fet sore. if that happens start taking the letro!!
    3rd wk running it, started at 2.5mg, now at .6 EOD, but it hasnt done much at all for my LUMPS...put helped the pain of them...

  21. #21
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    May 2005
    letro takes a long time to get into your system and begin working its magic.....i have read that it could take up to 60 days to reach stable blood levels of letro.......just stick with it, until the lumps are gone......worked 3 times for me.....

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    personally I think letro is too strong (lowers estrogen too much). mo is dont use it until you have too, start with adex or aromasin than if thats not enough switch to letro. I use letro sometimes but I leave it as a last resort.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i wish i didnt have to use it, but i am so gyno proned......

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i dont wanna use it either but i guess i dont really have a choice now

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