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Thread: Question about steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Question about steroids

    I will give u some background info before getting into my questions. I have been lifting for 6 years started out at a young age i didnt really know what i was doing when i first started but have learned a lot. I have pretty much lifted non stop since i started except time taken out due to injuries and sports.
    I have been started hitting it really hard in the last 3 years now and lift with good form and and have a pretty good diet. I seem to have hit a plateau and have tried everything to break out of it. switching around sets and reps and changing my routine and increased my protein and carb intake. But i can't break through it.
    I have been doing research lately and been trying to learn about steroids and was wondering if i could use them. im 20 years old and about 5"10 and weigh 200 pounds so i have a pretty decent base. my main worry is that im still fairly young. sorry this is so long. but i will greatly appreciate your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    post ur diet and work out log.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Most Vets will tell you not to touch gear Till after you hit 24. Your body has enough testosterone at your age to achieve good results with hard work. And what if something goes wrong and you will do permanent damage to yourself. I waited till 29. Never used any gear. Only Pro-Hormone 1-Test before it got banned in 2004. Now I think it's my time. My advice for you is to wait. Or use BSN stack of No-Xplode, Cellmass, Nitrix and Axis-HT. It gave me very good results. I was very impressed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    very good first post bro. yeah you are still a little young. like smoke said lets see your diet and we can then give better advice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    hey altleast he's not just taking random shit without asking questions haha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Thanks for the responses guys. i really appreciate your answes and respect your knowledge. As for my workout i lift 6 days a week and target 1 to 2 bodyparts a day. i do 7 exercises per body part except for traps i only do 2 on each day i work them. right now i am doing 5 sets of 6 to 8 reps
    Back and traps
    shoulders and traps

    My diet is where i probably need the most work but under the circumstances i think its as good as i can get it. I can't give a real accurate log for it as im living in the dorms and eat at the cafeteria. I eat a lot of meat and alot of breads and pastas packing in as much as i can for calories and carbs and protein to gain weight. i will be able to work on it a lot better this summer when i am out of here and able to prepare my own meals.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Endless Obsession
    yeah man its better to know EXACTLY what you are eating when on cycle for the best results.. i eat tuna religiously its cheap too go buy some lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Better get some rest in there or you'll be overtraining. I use two on, 1 off split.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jessn View Post
    Thanks for the responses guys. i really appreciate your answes and respect your knowledge. As for my workout i lift 6 days a week and target 1 to 2 bodyparts a day. i do 7 exercises per body part except for traps i only do 2 on each day i work them. right now i am doing 5 sets of 6 to 8 reps
    Back and traps
    shoulders and traps

    My diet is where i probably need the most work but under the circumstances i think its as good as i can get it. I can't give a real accurate log for it as im living in the dorms and eat at the cafeteria. I eat a lot of meat and alot of breads and pastas packing in as much as i can for calories and carbs and protein to gain weight. i will be able to work on it a lot better this summer when i am out of here and able to prepare my own meals.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    diet is more important than many people realize. it sounds like you have the right attitude, but until you can sort your diet accordingly the gear would be wasted anyway.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Post your daily diet (roughly what you get on a day to day basis). Ive found that adjusting your diet will help push past new goals. Remember if your not growing from the current diet your on its gonna be real hard to grow using AAS and that same diet. Youll need to increase cals in order to obtain new levels.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2008
    this is what i usually eat on a daily basis.
    breakfast 4 or 5 scrambled eggs and a fairly large portion of hash browns and 2 sausage patties

    a protein shake inbetween breakfast and lunch

    for lunch usually a turkey sandwhich or wrap with lettuce and a good sized portion of whatever meat dish they have in the cafeteria along with whatever breads or pastas they have.

    then i take an animal pak multivitamin 30min before i lift. and a postworkout protein shake with creatine.

    for supper i do the same thing as for lunch. eating as much as i can. and i usually eat a couple of packs of ramen noodles without the flavoring packet to cut down on sodium later on in the evenining. and i drink as much water as i can throughout the day to stay well hydrated.
    i know that i should be getting a few more meals in that r more nutritious but i think this is about as good as i can do while going to class and working.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    well theres your problem take a look at the diet forum. get some ideas you can throw in there. like me ill bring tuna sandwiches to school along with boneless chicken breast and brown rice

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessn View Post
    this is what i usually eat on a daily basis.
    breakfast 4 or 5 scrambled eggs and a fairly large portion of hash browns and 2 sausage patties

    a protein shake inbetween breakfast and lunch

    for lunch usually a turkey sandwhich or wrap with lettuce and a good sized portion of whatever meat dish they have in the cafeteria along with whatever breads or pastas they have.

    then i take an animal pak multivitamin 30min before i lift. and a postworkout protein shake with creatine.

    for supper i do the same thing as for lunch. eating as much as i can. and i usually eat a couple of packs of ramen noodles without the flavoring packet to cut down on sodium later on in the evenining. and i drink as much water as i can throughout the day to stay well hydrated.
    i know that i should be getting a few more meals in that r more nutritious but i think this is about as good as i can do while going to class and working.
    You would be absolutly amazed at what those extra meals n ur daily intake will do over a month or 2.

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