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Thread: NUTS shrunking INFO

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Thumbs up NUTS shrunking INFO

    Hi so i we been first 3 weeks on anavar 40 mg daily and andriol 240mg daily,
    where on the third week i took 400ml cypionate weekly (wanted to leave the orals and do an test only cykle) anyway so now i am on the 5fth week on my cypionate cykle(400 ml weekly)and i would like to know users testicle behavior during cykles because yep my testicles has shrunkt the carriage bags have become smaller and nuts are small and soft....but its reccomended
    only for hard core cykles to take hcg (i do have some in storage) but havent taken any yet so should i take an 250 iu moderate dose midle of the cykle now and then ,or should i not worry and just do my hcg at the end of the cykle and after that clomid...........or u think i dont eawen need the hcg ???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sure you can take HCG during that cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    Love HCG. . my nuts are like rasins right now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    You can use it but its not necessary, use it in pct with nolva and an ai it will work great. Dont worry about testicle shrinkage it comes with the game when you start using 19-nors they will probably get alot smaller than they are now mine are about the size of marbles but after a good pct they always come back to normal. see anthony roberts pct it will tell you how to implement those three compounds for pct.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by mx3 View Post
    You can use it but its not necessary, use it in pct with nolva and an ai it will work great. Dont worry about testicle shrinkage it comes with the game - they will probably get alot smaller than they are now - but after a good pct they always come back to normal. see anthony roberts pct it will tell you how to implement those three compounds for pct.

    yep, ditto.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Thanks For Replays

    Thanks For Info Fellow Trainers

  7. #7
    they say that igf also helps against shrinkin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Republic of Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by XORRON View Post
    Hi so i we been first 3 weeks on anavar 40 mg daily and andriol 240mg daily,
    where on the third week i took 400ml cypionate weekly (wanted to leave the orals and do an test only cykle) anyway so now i am on the 5fth week on my cypionate cykle(400 ml weekly)and i would like to know users testicle behavior during cykles because yep my testicles has shrunkt the carriage bags have become smaller and nuts are small and soft....but its reccomended
    only for hard core cykles to take hcg (i do have some in storage) but havent taken any yet so should i take an 250 iu moderate dose midle of the cykle now and then ,or should i not worry and just do my hcg at the end of the cykle and after that clomid...........or u think i dont eawen need the hcg ???
    Well, I hope you bounce back and while your at it, you may want to invest some of that AAS money in a dictionary and a grammar class.

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