Patients present with an increase in breast tissue, which is unilateral in one third of cases. Tenderness may also be noted in a third of patients. Enlargement is usually central and symmetric, although occasionally it is eccentric.
Idiopathic and drug-induced gynecomastia is usually unilateral; however, in pubertal and hormonal cases, the changes are often bilateral.
Patients present with an increase in breast tissue, which is unilateral in one third of cases. Tenderness may also be noted in a third of patients. Enlargement is usually central and symmetric, although occasionally it is eccentric. Idiopathic and drug-induced gynecomastia is usually unilateral; however, in pubertal and hormonal cases, the changes are often bilateral.
Fawzi Ali, Bain James, Gynecomastia-eMedicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, McMaster University, 2006.