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Thread: Opinions on starting tren only cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Opinions on starting tren only cycle.

    I did my first cycle last year of sustanon250 10weeks, Dbol first 5weeks, and nolvadex for pct. Went from 180 to 194. Im 5 11" and 25 yrs old currently wei***ng 173 at about 16%bf. Its been really hard and nervouse racking trying to find a source so i want to try a finaplix homebrew only cycle. I have done some research. People recommend roughly 75 eod for about 6 weeks. And that a bad side is the "cough". That it should be run with test or it will shut you down. But i have also read that its ok to run it by itself too. Who here has ran it by itself and what happened? What is a good PCT for tren only? I have lots of nolva but i read it does not combine good with tren.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    where did you read that it was okay to run it by itself??? not a good idea. if you want to homebrew then look into component e-h as well. that is test prop. run those along side one another. if you dont run some sort of test you will regret it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It was on another website. What will happen?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    tren is probably the most supressive compound there will shut you down hard and fast..need at least a replacement dose of test along with it..besides its very synergistic and stacks very well with need to do more research before embarking on tren as its not for beginners

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    it will shut you down hard. you will have NO test production. you can forget about having sex. it could also cause some signs of depression. you could become extreamly sensitive you will have emotions like a female. not worth it.. trust me. get yourself some test.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    why were u 184 when u started ur cycle and now 173? at 16%bf?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    why were u 184 when u started ur cycle and now 173? at 16%bf?
    want to know this too? i'm curious

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    yup just get 10ml of test e or c and run it with 100mgs tren eod for 10 weeks and your good to go.

    1-10 test e or c 200mgs or 250mgs
    1-10 tren a 100mgs eod

    12-16 pct

  9. #9
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    why were u 184 when u started ur cycle and now 173? at 16%bf?
    As my muscles grew so did my belly. I wasnt really following a lean diet. So i decided to flatten the belly first before starting another cycle. I look a lot better now with less bf. Really all i want is to burn more fat and gain a few lean pounds. I could get myself up to 184lbs just by eating, but not any bigger naturally.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    On, CANADA
    test bro you need test

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by biggerguns View Post
    As my muscles grew so did my belly. I wasnt really following a lean diet. So i decided to flatten the belly first before starting another cycle. I look a lot better now with less bf. Really all i want is to burn more fat and gain a few lean pounds. I could get myself up to 184lbs just by eating, but not any bigger naturally.
    You can flatten out and stay lean with just adjusting your diet. You need to do that anyways b4 you start the AAS so why not start that now. Go to the diet section and look up a cutting diet or lean bulking diet. With proper exercise proper diet you shouldnt have a problem with loosing the fat. You cant just eat everything in site and expect to gain LBM on cycle, you need to focus on a clean diet for clean gains. Tren by itself is stupid and it sucks. I ran it b4 by itself and discontinued after 5-6 weeks, couldnt stand the side effects without test, i felt like complete shit.

  12. #12
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jAcKeD!!!! View Post
    test bro you need test
    Its to hard to come by. The only way i got it was driving it myself across the border. I'll do more research in the diet section. Maybe all i need is to eat alot of clean food and possibly take clen. Im only looking to gain about 8 pds.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    where did you read that it was okay to run it by itself??? not a good idea. if you want to homebrew then look into component e-h as well. that is test prop. run those along side one another. if you dont run some sort of test you will regret it.
    ^ This is true of 99% of the bro's...they need to run test..i myself did a Tren only, and i would do it again if i had to, but thats not a issue so next time i will atleast run a test @ 250mg ..I used the tren as a lean slow's also a great calorie defishant diet gainer, wich is what it was origanaly intended for..Feed cattle less, but they still gained weight, Less money on feed, (you get it )i researched that shit for a 6 months before hittin it..i started at 50 mg EOD for a wk, then 100mg EOD for 2-3 wks, ofcourse when i saw the progress of it i went wild like the drug addict i am and started 100mg ED for 4 wks, then noticed i was a mental case, and hadnt slept in weeks ! So i now run it at 100mg EOD, and the gains were as good as 100 ED, but the sides were Half as bad, And that counts sleep, the body won't heal, the body won't heal, and No mass gains bro !...Start slow, and see how it affects you, some bro's are G2G, others are nut jobs on it, Depressed/anxioty, ect.......OH, and forgot to tell you, i went threw 3 pillows, and two sets of sheets a night !..And it wasnt from a wet dream , More like a soaked nightmare !
    As far as your statment about not knowing were to get it, you Google bro !

  14. #14
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by biggerguns View Post
    Its to hard to come by. The only way i got it was driving it myself across the border. I'll do more research in the diet section. Maybe all i need is to eat alot of clean food and possibly take clen. Im only looking to gain about 8 pds.
    Becareful bro, your fishing a little to hard.....................Use your computer's out there....and probably the easiest to come your not sounding very educated...( Look who's talking, i can't spell ) LMAO.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Orange county, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Raw Deal View Post
    Becareful bro, your fishing a little to hard.....................Use your computer's out there....and probably the easiest to come your not sounding very educated...( Look who's talking, i can't spell ) LMAO.
    i don't think he's fishing, he's making a statement because people keep telling him to get on test to run tren..... He's just stating that it's hard to come by for him and the way he used to get test. Then he moved on saying he will check out the diet forum and possibly try some clen. How is he fishing? By telling us the reason he isn't getting on test like everyone is suggesting?

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