04-15-2008, 09:18 PM #1
First Cicle help : Tests + Winstrol ?
Hi there,
First thank you all for the great forum, I've been reading a lot of stuff lately and certainly learned a lot about steroids pros and cons. Heres my story.
I am 26y, 5ft6in, about 168 lbs and last time i checked my fat was around 15%.
I have been working out for about 6 months now, and yes i should say i am one of those impatient ppl that wants results fast and everything , though, i dont want to take a precipitated decision on doing this or not.
I am considering two options, Using clen as in the two weeks sched as I've read in a great post here about clen, or the Tests + Winstrol .
You might be thinking they will do different results, and yes i know that. The reason i would pick the CLEN is i gotta say im still a bit concerned about the side effects of the Tests ( like the nut shrinking thing ), plus i would take Winstrol as in tablets, which i just found can be liver toxic. For PCT i think its worth doing the Nolvadex which a lot of ppl says its great.
So i would say my goals would be: I Def want to get some lean muscle, and i know that with the Tests + Winstrol i would raise my metabolic rate, though burning more fat evenly, so muscle is fine for me i do want to have that strong look, not boucer-strong but stronger. Along, cutting would be really nice, somehow preventing that watery look like one was filled up with air would be really nice , thats why i am considering a Winstrol.
So to finish up, I really like to play it safe in as many ways as I can, so either path i choose, I am doing it supervised by both a Personal Trainer at the Gym and a Nutritionist, about the nutritionist if i could get some advice in terms of nutrition so i can pass it on to her would be really cool.
I thank you all in advance for reading/replying to my post. Keep up the good work folks .....
p.s.: I might also say that i am a construction worker, so my intense job if i dont follow with proper nutrition ( but i guess its inevitable ) i loose some muscle, hitting the gym after i think only makes it somehow worst, so for me Tests + Winstrol would work better ( and that is where i need your advice ) because i think the Clen as i read , will burn fat but i should expect some muscle loss as well . And I dont like the idea of beeing Shaky on top of the roof in my job.
Thank you allLast edited by ifroyd; 04-15-2008 at 09:24 PM.
04-15-2008, 09:31 PM #2
Well what is more important to you.... burning fat or gaining muscle, because usually for first cycle people here will recommend test for a first time user. I would recommend Test 400mg/week for 10 weeks as a first cycle with this dosage you should have minimal water retention, then when you see how you react to the test, you think about running a test/winny cycle. As for the clen , i dont know too much about it but im sure someone here will share their knowledge
04-15-2008, 09:39 PM #3
Thx for the answer,
I Would honestly rate it a 50-50% , i def need and want to burn fat but i guess that gaining more muscle will help me burn more fat. Right ? Another thing is does every cycle of Tests gives one watery results ? I read that if you keep a high quality carb diet you can minimize that too, is it right ?
Anyway thank you very much!
04-15-2008, 10:13 PM #4
Just another thing, i dont plan for another cycle, i think one shot is enough for me, is that a problem ? And that is another reason i was thinking about having the winstrol with this cycle.
Another thing, does everybody experience some kind of acne ? I am a mature adult but i still have some acne in the face ....
04-15-2008, 10:14 PM #5
04-15-2008, 10:15 PM #6
Diet and working out.. I know ya said ya don't wanna hear that, but im afraid its right.
You no where near ready for steroids yet.
04-15-2008, 10:21 PM #7
Everyone reacts different to AAS. You will probably notice more acne with test because its a side with mose ppl. Don't worry about the shrinkage, it will correct itself and that doesn't happen to everyone either.
Your diet is going to judge your gains as well as the bloating associated with longer esterd tests.
Read some more and take your time and do it right. It's a big commitment. No need for the clen .
04-15-2008, 10:22 PM #8
Didn't see his last post..
I agree with shifty.....you aren't ready for the dark side, yet!
04-16-2008, 01:03 PM #9
Ok folks, thank you for all your answers.
So I guess im not going to do the Tests, but im still very concerned about loosing muscle because of my job + workout. Ill stick with my ugly body this summer and maybe do a cycle in the next winter. Any ideas about a dieting plan for not loosing muscle during the my daily activities ?
2 lil things.
I read that i am not ready for steroids but i also read that most ppl that dont workout for at least 1 or 2 years already arent ready because they dont know how the exercise affects their body, so, in my case, isnt this covered since iam already working out with a trainner , and i still plan to do it for another year ?
If thats not the case why Am I not ready for steroids ? ( I tottally respect your opnions that is why im here in these forums, im just curious about it )
[ PRICE TALK REMOVED ]Last edited by ifroyd; 04-17-2008 at 07:38 PM.
04-16-2008, 01:46 PM #10
How many grams of protein/Carbs and Fats do you get in your diet? Daily?
How many meals do you eat a day?
What is the breakdown of each meal?
What is your planned PCT?
What is an AI or SERM?
Have you reached your natural plateau and gains have stopped, not in 6 months.
04-16-2008, 02:06 PM #11
Got your point , thanx, i do have the answer for most of your questions, like i eat 6 meals daily, proteins, high quality carbs all that beacuse i have a nutricionist, but i get the point why i am not ready, i was just wondering if there were anything like: Oh you will not have the same results or something like that, like something phisical would be differently doing a cycle now or in another year or so.
Answers for the $$ questions ?
Thank you all again
04-16-2008, 02:11 PM #12
Another thing,
If me in all my stupidity, decide, against all your PRO advice that im not ready to take steroids , is there any chance im hurting myself in this ? like healthy issues ?
04-17-2008, 02:09 PM #13
Pls pls pls
But really,
Doesnt make any sense doing a cycle now ? Will that affect my future years working out naturally ? I Would really like a boost for this summer then keep it you know, i decided to join the gym when i decided to stop smoking and drinking plus i was really moody all day and now my energy levels are great.
This is why i would like to do a "light" cycle and get some results.
As i said i appreciate everyones comments on this, but there is a 90% chance i am getting all the gear next week so i just would like to know if i can count on you ppl during this, that would def be great !
04-17-2008, 02:38 PM #14
04-17-2008, 02:42 PM #15
youre not ready for steroids , youre body isnt ready nor do you have the training and diet experience, even if youre using a trainer, besides most trainers dont train you how you need to build muscle, they do more toning and conditioning exercises..you need to learn how different exercises affect your body and what works best for you..you will get a lot better and permanent results by learning proper training and dieting than messing with steroids at this point
04-17-2008, 02:45 PM #16Anabolic Member
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Price talk isn't allowed man. Sorry. You should edit your posts.
04-17-2008, 02:45 PM #17Associate Member
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your not ready.
04-18-2008, 05:32 AM #18
04-18-2008, 07:44 AM #19
you cant build a house without a foundation right..you cant build big muscles without some muscular frame to begin with..starting with a small frame and trying to grow via AAS can actually set you up for injury as your muscle grow and you get stronger rather quickly, however you tendons and ligaments do not get stronger as quick..so you the extra weight you lift can actually injure you..besides you need to learn to diet first or you wont grow period
04-18-2008, 11:16 AM #20
judging from your questions alone your not ready for steroids . this is not some supplement from the gnc store, its steroids. and if you dont know what your doing you could end up with man boobs, fat, depressed, broken dick, etc.. the list goes on. so i suggest you really research what your thinking about doing. and while your reading head over to the diet forum and learn how to eat properly. you are what you eat and all the steroids in the world wont change that.
04-18-2008, 04:09 PM #21
Thank you all again for the posts,
This is what im talking about godkilla, im trying to learn as much as I can, im not saying im going to take it tomorow, or next week, i want to take a decision knowing what im going to.
One thing is, IAM NOT LOOKING TO GET SUPER STRONGER OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, If i take steroids at any given time in future i would basically try to make it a more lean muscle and cutting cycle then a growing one, ill watch those carbs and get good amounts of protein. The thing is if you look at me im not those skinny dudes all cut you know, but im not fat, i did many years of swimming competition so i have a big chest and wide shoulders, thats why i think a more muscular fit would be really nice for me ....
But im going to think more carefully now because as longhorn said there is the tendos and ligaments fact that i havent thought about, that is why ( and forgive me if im beeing insistent in my post ) i am asking all these questions not because i want to be a dick or anything, im just trying to educate myself, everyday im here reading the forums and posting questions, thats why i always start a post thankin you all for the great job. Keep it up.
04-18-2008, 05:58 PM #22
tend to agree,but here's a thought,why don't you try some clen and attempt a clean diet with cardio?
04-19-2008, 12:38 PM #23
Inky, that is what im going to do. Well, the diet and cardio Iam doing it like theres no tomorow honestly, i am at the gym 5 days a week and in the weekends i do about 40 min of cardio first thing in the morning. Wednesday a good 1 hour spinning class as well, boy that shit is goood 800 cal lighter after it.
So im going to throw another question:
As i said i want moderate results, do you guys think i can do that ?
Im thinking do a clen cycle first for a maybe a couple months, ( 2 wks in 2 wks off x 2 ), then would be the time to decide going or not for the AAS.
So how do you think i can grow if i do a high quality protein based diet and lots of cardio in the tests cycle ( plus watching the carbs ).
Honestly if i can get a few inches in the biceps and anything bet 6 to 10 lbs of muscle that will be great i really dont need 20 lbs.
04-19-2008, 01:16 PM #24
i think once you burn down some excess fat with the clen and diet,you'll see some real muscle,you may even increase bicep size.as far as seeing 2" bicep increase,after a test cycle,you may be setting yourself up to be disappointed.no doubt your body will change and even grow in some areas,i think for a first time cycler you may measure success not in how huge you get, but rather in how your clothes fit after and during cycles.in the past i've noticed improvements in legs just by having my pants fit more snug in that area,same for arms,you'll fill out that t-shirt better in that department.try not to project too far down the road,focus on the what you're doing now,complete that objective,then move to the next step,i think you'll do just fine,keep me updated on your progress.good luck!
04-19-2008, 06:26 PM #25
Thank you very much for you support inky, thats what its all about.
Did you ever used clen ? A friend of mine just ordered for me, he said he was going to order some stuff for him on the net and the price he told me was better then my previous source, so i told him to order, now , i just found out that its liquid, i've read a lot about the dosages but notting really about the liquid one, even though im going to search the forums now, do you have any suggestion ?
And yes, fitting better in a t-shirt is what ill be looking for after the Clen.
Thank you again
04-20-2008, 02:59 PM #26
No problem froyd,i'm in your corner.As far as liquid clen goes I don;t have any personal experience with it,sorry.I'm sure if you research it or even ask for members experience and maybe dosages,someone will reach out to you.when you hit enough posts to pm,hit me up!stay strong....inky
04-20-2008, 03:02 PM #27
most research companies make clen in liquid form, it's a little harder to dose but just as effective as tabs
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