Hey i started on monday a cycle with propionate and parabolan i injected myself on 1c of each is this ok? plus today i took a shot of b12 injected also any advice from you experts.
Hey i started on monday a cycle with propionate and parabolan i injected myself on 1c of each is this ok? plus today i took a shot of b12 injected also any advice from you experts.
set up your cycle so we can see what it looks like. also what are your stats and cycle exp?
setup cycle? stats none cycle exp. inthe past i have done sust. and deca.
Need help on what i have in hand that i mentioned before like what dose of what i have is good and when should i be taking it during the week.
Age, weight, height, training experience, diet, goals?
how many mgs are you taking? 1c doesnt mean anything
Do you have PCT?
okay you said that you already started your cycle. so show me what it looks like.. how much you are using a week. when you are injecting. how long you are planning to use it. what do you have planned for pct. and by stats i mean weight height age bf%.
moderate trainig exp.traning 5 days a week curently
low carb diet and low fat diet
goals 215 lean muscle and awesome 6 pack
pct? dont know what it is
Don't know what pct is? Oh boy, here we go.
Post Cycle Therapy you will need it I suggest you take a look in the PCT section of this site.
You need to read and learn what a pct is and does, if you want to keep the gains you will make and to get your body working in the correct order.
sorry dude i am new at this forum thing if you can help and be patient i really appriciate it.
Not flaming you at all.
When you start or do a cycle you need to be prepared with all the gear needed including your pct. It alone can determine the end effect.
So what does your cycle look like? Dosages of each, length you are taking them, injection frequency? We are here to help, but you have to help us alittle.
look like well i have 100mg of parabolan and the same of propionate and injected myself on monday 10mg og each and toady 10 mg of b12
You have 100mg of tren and prop to run for the whole cycle? Is this correct?
How is it dosed on the vial? 1ml= ?mg
100mg each bottle i really apriciate your help.
Your not making any sence at all... how much prop and parabolan do you have? we know its 100mg/ml but how many ml's do you have total? how many bottles? how much are you injecting a week? and on what days? you need to answer all these questions or we cant help you... you obviosuly did no research before you decided to mess with steroids so i suggest you research alot more! also i dont know if it was a typo but you said u injected 10mg total... if so just stop your cycle now until you know what you are doing.
i injected myself on sunday evening,i have one bottle of each and was instrucked to use on sundays,tuesday,thursday one shot of each.( 1cc) dose
If you have 100mg vials of each and the vial is only 10ml, you don't have enough gear for a whole cycle. Stop now, and get more gear, so you don't waste your money.
ok i have on bottle of 100mg of parabolan a 10 ml glass vial and the same of propionate how good are they and how much more do i need and for how long of a cycle.Dude it awesome the help and time you are giving me but i started this already and would like your help to continue and finish cycle i wont get short i can get more before what i have finishes so please help me out with instr. on how and when to use and dose and most of all for how long
Personnally I want even use tren yet, so my advise is not to use it. It's for the more advanced or more cycle experienced guys out there. I would just run the prop. If you are dead set on 100mg/injection, then eod(every other day) injections is the best route. Not Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday like the schedule you were told. Get a calender out and figure out how many weeks you want to run the cycle. 8 weeks will be good. Mark the days to inject(eod) for 8 weeks. Make sure you rotate injection sites, because you will be soar and it gives each area time to heal and obsorb the gear.
Once you figure out how many days you will be injecting over the 8 weeks, you need to add up how many ml's you will need to finish the cycle and order more gear.
cool, how much shuold i inject eod for the 8 weeks also i have b12 which i am injecting once a week i get b12 bottles for free so why not use and hey if you need b12 let me know i will send you a bottle FRee for your time and help your awesome.
1cc/injection/eod of prop. Thanks for the offer. But you enjoy the B12.
i suggest you stop and research what the hell youre taking and how to take it properly..you have no idea what a PCT is and youre taking steroids!! Thats just stupid..that is unless you want to lose all your gains, get depressed, and not be able to get a hard on!!! These are powerful hormones and you need to know how they affect your body..they arent magic beans that will get you jacked overnight..diet and training are way more important!!
Bro, you should have research more before you started injecting yourself. Start researching for your PCT. ITS very important! This site will walk you trough go to the PCT section.
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