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Thread: need help on dianabol cycle

  1. #1

    need help on dianabol cycle

    I started taking methandrostenolone(dianabol) at 20 mg's a day exactly a week and 2 days ago, tommorow will be a week and 3 days. I am taking just dianabol and want to know what i should take for pct or if i should be taking anything with the dianabol right now. I want to take whatever i need to so i can keep most of my gains and so that my body doesnt get all ****ed up. I am somewhat nervous that i made a mistake taking d-bols alone and that i might turn fat and shit so any advice from people with experience would be GREATLY appreciated. I also have a bunch of andro and am wondering if it could be encorporated for a positive effect. I am taking the dianabol for 21 days, would it be more effective if i take it for a longer period of time? thank you for reading about my dilemma and gimme some pointers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    hope that helps ya out bro.. i kinda asked the same question

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    You made a mistake starting before asking, do you have anything for PCT? What are your stats?

  4. #4
    i was going to order either nolvadex or clomid, probably nolvadex because i was told it works better than clomid and that it will help to maintain most of the gains. I am 6'1 165 and about 7% bodyfat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    You will need a little more than nolva, how old are you?

  6. #6
    18... should i stop the use of the d-bol then starting tommorow since i am taking it alone? i also work out 6 days a week, 3 of those days twice a day (i am at a military college and have 5:45 am pt 3 days a week). and what should i get to take with it? and if it would be better for me to just stop taking it now, would it be bad if i stopped tkaing that and started taking andro?

  7. #7
    i have alot of androstendione, would that be good to take with it or just totally f my shit up

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    at 18 i seriously wouldnt take anything bro, eat like a horse and train like a will grow....your too young bro im serious....i wish your decision is a wise one....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dont take it, you shouldnt be taking anything you are only 18.

  10. #10
    am i gonna lose everything i gained this past week and a half once i stop taking it? one of my buddies is doing the same thing i am but is quite intent on continuing his cycle, should he get some type of pct or something to take along with the d-bol?

  11. #11
    if one were to take dianabol at 20mg a day and then took a pct 24 hours following the last administration of dianabol, depending on what pct taken, would the results all dissapear like normal with dbol or would most results be virtually kept? say letro, nolvadex, clomid, or aromasin? which would be the best to take and which would be the best way to take it?

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