Ok, so this post is gonna come off as me rambling. That is exactly what it is.Sorry in advance for the novel....

So, I got my hands on 200 10mg halo. I only bought em cause they much cheaper than they normally would be, and I always wanted to try me some halo. Whenever I do take them, it will probably be the only time I will ever take them, because of the price, so I want to really feel em, ya know?

I have been going over in my head whether I should do 5 weeks of 60 mg or 2 separate 4 weeks of 35 mg, or somewhere in between or something. I know some people feel 35 mg, some need more. I am leaning towards 60, cause I want to really feel it.

Another question is when. I am currently on 50mg prop ed and 75 mg tren ed, and just finishing my second week. The tren isn't giving me any problems as far as sides go (so far, knock on wood) except for one night of trensomnia, which I am taking melatonin for. I have some masteron that I was planning to throw in at the end of the cycle, like this:

1-12 prop 50 ed
1-8 tren 75 ed
6-12 masteron 75 ed

Now comes the halo. Do I throw it in at the end, along side the masteron or save it for later... I hesitate because this will be my first go with masteron, and I would normally be against trying two new substances at the same time. But this also seems like a great way to get the most out of it. Hell, I might even make the tren go to 10 weeks.

The cycle is a lean mass one (aren't all cycles...), but I plan on cutting really hard the last 6 weeks, and it seems like halo would help keep intensity high.

Another though I had, and don't go jumping down my throats on this one, was to do 2 weeks of dnp from weeks 6-7 to really jump start the hard core cutting. I know, everyone says it would be bad to do that on cycle because it really zaps your energy. However, before this cycle I ran 3 weeks of dnp. The first two weeks were at 500 mg /day. The second week I started taking glycerol and pyruvate and all the side effects got like 100% better. It was to the point I was worried that my dnp had magically turned bunk. I was still sweating, but my workouts got better and my lifts started returning. I bumped up to 750 for the last week and had a really easy time with it. I had to go a little slower in the gym but I felt good.

So if I did do just two weeks of 500 mg of dnp around that time, it might be cool...it also might be cool to take halo with it, either just for those two weeks or line up the dnp with the start of the halo and take the halo to the end of the cycle. This way the halo would keep workout intensity high.

Problem with that is I worry about hurting myself, being on dnp and feeling like superman from tren and halo.... god this post is getting long.

Another option would be to run the dnp and halo together at a later time. I haven't seen anyone do this and thought it might be interesting. Maybe as the first two weeks of a later cycle. I could run two weeks of halo at 40 mg along with dnp to start the cycle, then finish off the same cycle with 4 weeks of halo at 50 mg. This last option actually sounds pretty groovy when stacked on a tren, prop, mast cycle...

Sorry for the novel. Your thoughts on my ramblings?