This is a bit of a summer cycle, don't know if anyone has done similar but if you have results would be nice, any input is appreciated.

I've been on before. (I post 2 doses for both because i'm gonna go by what I feel like, and I don't know how much test i'm gonna need with the other AAS wanna keep shit lower, I usually run 600mg/week test...

1-12 Test C 400-500mg/week
1-4 40-50mg Turinabol ED
4-12 Tren A 75MG EOD.
Letro .5mg Ed/Eod (had great experience with letro before....

I'm looking for some solid lean gains at first maybe a quick 10lbs, and then try to lean out the last 8 weeks, while maintaining/gaining LBM..Stats 195lbs 14%bf 5'10"