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Thread: Winstrol Liquid Question NEED HELP PLEASE!!

  1. #1

    Winstrol Liquid Question NEED HELP PLEASE!!

    So i got some Winstrol Liquid in a bottle with a pipette dropper, lable says 'Winstrol Liquid 25mg, 50ml bottle, Each ml contains 25mg Stanozolol, 50ml volume, each squeez draws approximatly 0.5ml'

    Anyone heard of this stuff?

    So how do I take this stuff? just drop it in my mouth and chase it with some water? Or do i put it under my tounge? In the morning or night? With or without food? 50mg every day for 6 weeks?

    Thanks guys, appreciate the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Welcome to AR...

    Stats please? age hgt wgt cycle exp?

  3. #3
    24, 5'11, 180, im a boxer lookin to get back in shape to fight,, no cycle exp at all

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    What do you have planned for your pct? Don't rush into the cycle experience before reading and asking alot of questions of here.

    Gear isn't a magical compound. As you know, being a boxer, it's about the hard work you have to around the outside of the ring that is going to make you successful inside the ring. Get in shape first, learn on this forum, and then decide to go to the dark side.

    I am guessing that you don't want to go up in weight categories and that's why you chose winny. Look into Var and see what you think. Great strength but without alot of weight gain.

  5. #5
    not sure about pct, nolva? what do you recommend. And yea your absolutly right about the hard work and im up for that, iv been training the past few weeks and i think im about ready to take somethin for an edge. Your right about the weight also, im confortable where im at, even lighter will be good, just lookin for some minor strength and cutting. Have you ever heard of the winny in a dropper bottle? whats the deal with it?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    yeah its common for a lot of UGLs to have produced oral liquid winny..just shake it up really well first

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