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Thread: well back after 2 years :P

  1. #1

    well back after 2 years :P

    I've been watching this site and continued to work out the last two years after I was told maybe I didn't know enough to go on a first cycle . Gained around 12-15 lbs of muscle in that time and dropped 10 lbs of fat, not to mention have read up on everything to do with the first cycle i'm going to take. Which a post in the beginners section had in it for a first cycle, planning on trying to frontload and see if it has any quicker effects as well. My question is (and i've searched for this answer and haven't found any) On a straight test e cycle what have some of you gained in LBM your first time?

  2. #2


    anyone have a `ny input on there first cycle with test E?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    its diet dependant really. depends on whether you are using it as a bulker or a cutter.

    some guys gain 20+ pounds on a bulking cycle, others gain no weight but have a nice change in body composition due to cutting down and cardio

  4. #4

    Ya forgot to ....

    write as a bulking diet on test E I know everyone differs but i waqs hoping some people might share there personal gains from experiance.

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