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    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2007

    Why do I recover like I'm a f*ing superhero!?

    What up gentelman. Well its been a long time since I posted as I've done most of my research privately with medical articles and what not over the last year or so. Some of you may remember me posting about whether I should continue while having anxiety attacks. Yah, I know... I can most certainly be a stubborn headed moron sometimes, thats for sure. The question I cannot seem to find the answer to is why do I recover so unbelievably fast. I keep reading these horror stories about 23 year olds not feeling sex drive for up to a year and thats even after doing proper pct.

    I just turned 29. Im 6'00 228 with around 10% body fat. Last cycle was a hard, hard death defying endeavor.

    Week 1 preload of 750mg test e + 500 mg deca ... all brit drag stuff
    22 weeks test e at 600mg+
    week 1-8 Deca 250 mg week
    week 9-16 Primo at 150 mg week
    week 17-20 Winny at 100 mg week *SIDENOTE*- will never do winny again, it was first time, shit is painful, destroys joints

    feel free to flame the cycle, god knows i do

    Ran letro at about 1-2 mg a day for 15 weeks
    Then nolva at 20mg day till the 23rd week
    Then nolva at 50 mg day for 10 more days followed by a bottle of tbombII
    and now ive got a bottle of formestane, which is formadex from bcs labs at *NOTE* thats a legal OTC supplement so there shouldnt be a problem posting that. AND FYI, formestane is money guys, give it a shot, it WILL boost your hpta, and it will raise your intensity and strength, immediately! Dont expect huge weight gains or anything though.
    The stuff has a half life of 4 hours max so you spike big like 1.5 hours in. Try it, its good.

    SOoooo.... long story short. i did a 22 week cycle or so. Last injection was march 1st, its now april 19th. I went from 216 to 242. And in the first 15 days of the cycle i gained 15 lbs. yes, crazy, u can thank brit drag for making some amazing products. its a ****ing tragedy what our bs govt did to those guys.

    anyways... thats a whole other story...So now i just had blood work done, its been probably a month since all the aas cleared out completely. ive fallen to a super solid 228 and kept 80% of strength. my libido is raging once again... just jerked it twice in the shower before writing this fyi

    anyways, the finale... im back to normal, completely! blood tests... immaculate. sleeping like a 2 year old baby being breast feed by tara reid. And it has been 50 days since my last test e inject. that means that after all aas cleared out and pct ive been off for about 2 weeks.

    so my question is.... guys, what is with me and why not go back on, providing i will wait another week or so? let me give ya a little inside info... im a writer, been writing advertisements and articles for years and about to become a published author once i finish my novel, im about halfway through it currently. Nothing gives me confidence in my abilities to spin a ripping tale like accelerated testosterone levels . I want to go back on now, its just amazing what this magnificent potion of god known as testosterone can do too you. my creativity reaches soaring new heights as soon as i feel those wonderful mgs soaring through my veins.

    SO, the big question. what is to stop me? Why should I not go on?

    FYI im planning a twelve week ripper of test e and 8ius of hgh a week.

    Please, fame, dont reframe. Lets hear some insight from the big dogs.
    Last edited by nhl1; 04-19-2008 at 09:51 AM.

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