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  1. #1
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    3rd week clen, wierd question

    for several years i have taken drixoral daily for a sinus problem. as i was going in to the third week on clen i realized that it has the same ingridient that benadryl has. this ofcourse says that i have been taking a smaller dose every day while on clen.
    now, do i up the benadryl?
    quit taking sinus meds if i can?
    has this effected my clen results? ie slowed them down?

  2. #2
    (1*)'s Avatar
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  3. #3
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    what were you taking a smaller dose of? your post is a little confusing to me. if it has the same ingredients as benadryl then it would be increasing the effect of the clen .

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by (1*) View Post
    for several years i have taken drixoral daily for a sinus problem. as i was going in to the third week on clen i realized that it has the same ingridient that benadryl has.You mean diphenhydramine right?
    this ofcourse says that i have been taking a smaller dose every day while on clen.How much is a small dose in terms of how much diphenhydramine/day
    now, do i up the benadryl? You can up the benedryl if you think your beta receptors are being downregulated, but if drixoral has the diphenhydramine and you take it everyday that's just a plus as your refreshing your beta receptors on a daily basis
    quit taking sinus meds if i can?You don't have to
    has this effected my clen results? ie slowed them down?Clen works by attachking your beta receptors, which in turn increases your metabolism by around 10-12% on average, but as it attacks these receptors they are downregulated (kind of like your muscles get tired as you workout, and like your muscles) as they get tired their output decreases, meaning less metabolic stimulation. By using benedryl we can upregulate these receptors (like giving our muscles rest and replenishing their glycogen stores), which increases their ability to stimulate your metabolism and increase the amount of calories you burn. Taking this drixoral along with the benedryl, if you keep benedryl at the same dose on your third week and use drixoral when you need it will keep your receptors fresher meaning better results from the clen
    hope that helped

  5. #5
    (1*)'s Avatar
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    tons.. thanks.

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