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  1. #1
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    3rd cycle advise please - Boldenone undecylenate?

    I will be starting my third cycle in six weeks having taken 3 months off my last cycle following PCT.
    I have retained a decent amount of size and strength, weighing 16 stone. I'm 5"10 tall, 24 years old and been training for 6 years.
    i don't know my bodyfat % but estimate it to be no more than 15%.
    my last cycle was a bulking cycle, consisting of the following:
    500mg of test enth per week(12 weeks)
    400mg of Deca per week (11 weeks)

    the course was for 12 weeks and the gains were good, my strength went through the roof but unfortunately i struggled with water retention and acne.

    i have taken a course of acne tabs during my lay off and they are nearly cleared up completely and the bloatiness has gone.

    i was wondering with my next course maybe replacing the deca with Boldenone undecylenate (same dosage of 400mg).
    I've heard this is slightly more anabolic and causes less bloatiness but the gains are more prominant near the end of the cycle.
    would like to hear from people who have used it and what their opinions are.
    lots of people in the area where i live are using it and say it gives great lean results. anybody had bad sides from using it?

  2. #2
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Using Bold (EQ) gotta watch for 2 things: the length of the cycle, it needs to be no less than 16 weeks on Bold and the dose, 400 mg Bold/week is very mild dose. 500-600 mg/week is traditional. my suggestion would be:
    week 1-17 Test E 500mg/week
    week 1-16 Bold 500mg/week
    week 19-22 PCT
    keep arimidex and finasteride handy.

  3. #3
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    gains wise whats it like in comparison to Deca ?

  4. #4
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    Generally speaking it is, just a steadier gains and a bit harder muscle, on the other hand alot slower reaction.

  5. #5
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the info.I've been told it doesn't effect water retention as much, is that true also.
    with them both taking as long to kick in would u recommend a kick start with dianobol, if so what dose?

  6. #6
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    water retention is very relative issue generally speaking, in my case, EQ bloats me as hell, other people don't seem to have it as much. that's why i said keep arimidex and finasteride handy.
    No i won't recommend you to start with D-bol. however the final say is yours.
    the reason i say no, when it comes to short cycles (16 weeks or lower) i rather minimize the compounds i use to stablize blood levels as much as possible.

  7. #7
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    i think i'll keep the dianobol on the back burner then, cheers.
    with regards to the armidax and finasteride. would you recommend taking taking them both together and what sort of dosage is recommended?

    also when you say "short" cycle, would you recommend i take a longer period of time when using this cycle as they take longer to take effect?

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