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Thread: first injection

  1. #1
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    first injection

    hey bros,
    if any of you have read my previous threaads, i have decided o a cycle but want to know if it sounds good..
    started today
    injections of suts. will be on tuesdays and fridays

    weeks 1-12
    sust 500mg a week
    dbol 40mg a day

    is this a good first cycle?
    tomorrow will be my first injection EVER.. a little nervous..
    im planning on injecting into the glute with 3ml 1" 25g as thats all i have..
    if thats not good for a glute shot let me know where would be better..
    thanks in advance bros!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    I like to shoot sust eod, I hope you aren't running dbol for 12 weeks, and I like a 1.5" pin for glutes and 1" everywhere else.

  3. #3
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    no no no no def. NOT running dbol 12 weeks.. forgot to say for weeks 1-4...
    and yeah 1.5 is what i heard but i have a shit load of 1"
    im looking for the least painfull spot and i heard that was it
    if you like to shoot it eod then how many mg each day do you shoot?
    and total for a week?
    i have 2 10ml vials to last me through the cycle..
    and remember its my first so im guessing keep the dosages low to see how i respond?

  4. #4
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    I good starting test dosage is 400 to 500 mg/week. Just determine what you want to run, and do the math to tell you how much you need to shoot to run it eod. If they are amps, get a sealed sterile vial and transfer all the amps into a vial so you can just use what you wish each shot.

  6. #6
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    im going to start at 500mg a week
    they are in 10ml vials
    so would the glute be the least painful?
    thats what ive heard at least..

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    I prefer delts to glutes. Everyone is different though.

  8. #8
    Phate's Avatar
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    glute can take up to 3mL
    delts,quads,pecs can take up to 2mL

    none are really painful, just don't get all hysterical and you should be good, if your afraid of needles drink some fruit juice before hand so your blood sugar doesn't drop and cause you to pass out

  9. #9
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    yeah its not that im afraid of needles its just the thought and it makes me pass out.. not so much if im laying down tho..
    thats why i was gonna shoot it into the glute cuz my girlfriend is going to do it for me! lol
    i just need to know how much to shoot eod

  10. #10
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colts2407 View Post
    yeah its not that im afraid of needles its just the thought and it makes me pass out.. not so much if im laying down tho..
    thats why i was gonna shoot it into the glute cuz my girlfriend is going to do it for me! lol
    i just need to know how much to shoot eod
    you need to shot 125mgs every other day. so 1/2 cc eod.

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
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    i understand, the first time i shot b12 i was standing up and i felt myself blacking out so i finished the injection and pulled the needle out, next thing i remember i was laying on my floor with a splitting headache where my head hit the ground and it was two hours later, but with fruit juice i never have that problem

    what are you shooting? sust or test e and at what dose per week?

  12. #12
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    im going to start sust tomorrow at 500mg a week
    along with a dbol kicker..
    im just looking for the least painfull spot.. and the easiest for my girl to figure out lol.. she wants to do all the injections becasue she wants to make sure everything is sterile and im not going to kill myself lol..
    anybody know of a site with a print up on it of injection spots, how to, etc... i mean, i explained it to her... but i would rather her see it yano

  13. #13
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . com
    this will show you everything that you need to know.
    put the spaces together.
    Last edited by NATE0406; 04-21-2008 at 09:10 PM.

  14. #14
    Big's Avatar
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    you will need to hit many injection spots if you intend to shoot eod.

  15. #15
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    understood.. i was planing on going something like this
    right glute
    left glute
    right quad
    left quad
    right glue
    etc etc

    also, i cant see that site bro...

  16. #16
    Phate's Avatar
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    1-4 dbol 40mg/day
    1-12 sust 125mg/eod

    w w w . s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m

    remove the spaces and that should help you gf, the delt is super easy to hit and so it the delt and pec in my opinion, just make sure to aspirate

    you should only inject into a muscle once a week and more time is better if you can, if you shoot glutes, quads, delts and possible pecs you'd be set

  17. #17
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    look at it now.

  18. #18
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    Try your quads for your first shot. I find the deeper I go the least amount of pain also.

  19. #19
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    1-4 dbol 40mg/day
    1-12 sust 125mg/eod

    w w w . s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m

    remove the spaces and that should help you gf, the delt is super easy to hit and so it the delt and pec in my opinion, just make sure to aspirate

    you should only inject into a muscle once a week and more time is better if you can, if you shoot glutes, quads, delts and possible pecs you'd be set
    alright bro thanks
    i always though the delt would hurth the most?

    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    look at it now.

  20. #20
    Phate's Avatar
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    i've always done my own and i like the feeling of delt injections

  21. #21
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    on that site which delt injection do you prefer?
    the first or second

  22. #22
    Phate's Avatar
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    either, to do my own i always do this

    for shooting right delt
    1) take left hand and place them where pectoralis major (chest) inserts into shoulder joint (top of the crease made by your armpit, right arm, and chest)
    2)with thumb in place wrap hand around delt and inject center mass (in the center of the delt) where you second finger is

    sry, hard to see from the explaination but just inject into the center and you'll be fine

    just remember to aspirate the needle, inject slow, and massage afterwards for a minute to help with soreness, oh yeah, and breath

  23. #23
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    alright bro thanks for all the info... im gonna go with my first injection into the glute tomorrow..
    ill let you know how it goes..
    oh yeah
    and i def wont forget the juice lol

  24. #24
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    one more question bros..
    what time of the day do you usually inject?
    i workout at night around 8 or 9 if that matters

  25. #25
    Phate's Avatar
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    doesn't really matter, in your case i'd inject after you workout, just not in the same muscle you worked out

  26. #26
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    i guess i have another question lol
    what about heating the liquid first?

  27. #27
    Phate's Avatar
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    you can, just pull the sust into the syringe, cap the needle, run the casing (the plastic tube the test is in) under warm water for a minute or so, switch needles to make the injection less painful, release the air bubbles and let a drop or two of test drip down the needle to lube it, then inject

  28. #28
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    help with the pain?
    or just a waste of time?

  29. #29
    Phate's Avatar
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    makes the test a little thinner and easier to inject, like i said, i wouldn't worry about the pain so much, the injection should take 10 seconds at most, that's all, if you want a good approximation have your gf pinch your ass or delt, that's what it feels like

  30. #30
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    i dont knowq why im so worried about the pain.. i guess because the only shots ive got, the needle doesnt go in all the way.. and for some reason thats freakin me out lol
    but on another not, i have 3 tattoos, and they were no problem

  31. #31
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    100th post!!!

  32. #32
    johnnybigguns is offline Banned
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    I find to avoid the pain completely take the needle and pick around the injection area very lightly and you will actually be able to find a spot where you can even feel the needle touching it and you can push it in there and you will basically not feel anything. I was a really bad needle phob but I am now getting over it and ill still get the sweats and weird feeling before I inject. I found going deep and injecting slow will leave the injection area with the least amount of pain. And make sure you massage the area alittle bit

  33. #33
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    I like to keep the needle in for 15 or so seconds after injecting as to not let any of the gear drip out afterwards. Good luck with everything tho

  34. #34
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    thanks for all the help bros!
    first injection coming up soon today!

  35. #35
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colts2407 View Post
    thanks for all the help bros!
    first injection coming up soon today!
    If you feel dizzy or hot and flustered its nerves, so dont worry ya doing it wrong (as long as ya following correct procedure)

    Keep us posted!

  36. #36
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    well, im not going to be doing it!
    my girlfriend will!
    so im already nervous lol
    but anyway.. injecting the slower the better right?

  37. #37
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colts2407 View Post
    well, im not going to be doing it!
    my girlfriend will!
    so im already nervous lol
    but anyway.. injecting the slower the better right?
    it's preference, i inject slowly so i can feel where the needle is, some people use a dart motion and inject quickly, try slow first

  38. #38
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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    okay so umm
    i just got my gear.. and its andropen ..
    does this change my plans?

  39. #39
    colts2407 is offline People say I scam... do I?
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  40. #40
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Andropen ...I'm afraid it could be fake

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