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  1. #1
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    Is HCG even needed in this cycle?

    cycle is currently almost at pct phase and has went as written.

    Week 1-12 var 60 mgs ed
    week 4-16 test prop 60 mgs ed(210mgs)per week
    week 4-19 Proviron 50mgs ed
    week 16-19 hcg 250iu ed
    week 16-19 vitamin E 1000iu
    week 16-20 novla 40-20-20-20
    This cycle was for performance/strength/speed so maintaining gains is very important.

    I was also going to run the provirin on through till I finish the my HCG to help with any extra test aromitizing and help keep gains what do you guys think?

    Thanks again
    Last edited by Nottanoobathlete; 04-22-2008 at 12:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    not a very heavy cycle, you could use hcg if you wanted, not really a necessity though....then again nolva alone for pct isnt great either

  3. #3
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    not a very heavy cycle, you could use hcg if you wanted, not really a necessity though....then again nolva alone for pct isnt great either
    what would be better?

  4. #4
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nottanoobathlete View Post
    what would be better?
    if i was going to do pct i would do nolva, a low dose of aromasin and hcg . it might be overkill for your cycle but its effective

  5. #5
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    and the provirin through your pct?

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nottanoobathlete View Post
    and the provirin through your pct?
    no experience with it or knowlege about it really, someone else will have to chime in

  7. #7
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    and the provirin through your pct?
    bump for this answer?

  8. #8
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    bump, please anyone?

  9. #9
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
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    60 mg of test prop ED = 420 mg per week,
    60 mg of test prop EOD = the desired 210 mg per week.

  10. #10
    respek is offline Associate Member
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    I caught that adding mistake right away. Before you use juice make sure you understand and can calculate dosages.

  11. #11
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    It wasnt a dosage mistake it was a spelling error but thanks for nothing.

    My question is simple has anyone done a cycle like this and just used novla and provirin as pct? This is not my first time around the block its my 5th cycle and Im an upper level olympic/semi profesional athlete. Ive used hcg with my pct in the past but got busy and forgot to order it this time so will someone with some knowledge please tell me if you really think its a must to keep my performance up? and the provirin? This is my first time running it should it be ran into the pct, if so how much, how long? Should I ditch it if I ditch the HCG too?

  12. #12
    JasonR is offline Member
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    I've done something similar and got away with it using just nolva... PCT felt awesome, I slept like a baby, trained hard, and kept most of my gains.

    These low dose cycles are good when a crash is out of question due to professional reasons

  13. #13
    Nottanoobathlete is offline New Member
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    Thanks Jason and Amorphic!

    Can anyone answer the provirin question should it be ran into the PCT? If so how long how much?

  14. #14
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nottanoobathlete View Post
    Thanks Jason and Amorphic!

    Can anyone answer the provirin question should it be ran into the PCT? If so how long how much?
    Getting impacient ayy??? u can as its not suppose to be suppresive but i wouldnt reccomend it because its still aas. When its time to come off its time to come off, so i dont reccomend it. If ur going to do it, run 25-50 ed through out... But the profile says 50-150mg ed is ok...
    Last edited by Schmidty; 04-24-2008 at 11:07 AM.

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