Im taking TestE 400mg/week for 12 weeks and im on my 5tth week and ive gotten some water retention in my face.Its a decision between the two. Ive read that letro is stronger than armidex. Any personal experiences?
Im taking TestE 400mg/week for 12 weeks and im on my 5tth week and ive gotten some water retention in my face.Its a decision between the two. Ive read that letro is stronger than armidex. Any personal experiences?
Go for arimidex.
Letro is much stronger, but while on cycle you dont wanna cut your estrogen back 2 much as it will slow gains.
check out this thread.
since your cycle is quite simple...i suggest u go with letro....and save your a-dex money for food and other supplements. a-dex will cost u more $$$ than what u paid for your current cycle.
Because letro can cut back estrogen 80-90% even at low doses, and a certain amount of estro is needed for good gains.
Arimidex is more controllable and less harsh, and less chance of rebound that is common from letro.
I would on the other hand recommend it as the AI while on a cycle of Test + a 19nor, as letro can help lower PgR.
They are both good its a matter of preference. I always opt for letro though just seems to keep me leaner and stronger but then again, I need a stronger anti estrogen at my age.
Im not saying letro isn't an option, but my choice on a test only cycle would be arimidex.
And save the letro for any gyno reversal issues.
I would avoid both if I could. How bad is the edema? It kinda goes with the territory. I would first try proviron, a very mild AI(actually it's a steroid with some AI properties) and cut back on salt intake and increase water intake. You are retaining water due to conversion of testosterone into estrogen. The estrogen causes you to retain salt, the salt has a strong affinity for water and hence increase of interstitial fluid. Cut back on your salt and you will limit your water retention, keep your estrogen and your gains.
Oh yeah and an increase in water intake helps wash the excess salt out of your body, aim for 2 gallons a day.
Good Luck!
Plus do a search on the message boards and you will clearly see tons of people reporting that thier gains are effected by using an AI ( driving estrogen down too much)...
Can I use liquidex for gyno on my 3 rd week of test e (500 mg pw)?
what do you expect, J431s recommends using letro and nolvadex, with his deca and test e
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