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Thread: Best Test ?

  1. #41
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Fvck prop, im not touchn any short ester again for a long time... And ur levels of hormones dont get as high with short ester because the shot u do monday isnt there on sunday were as enanthate and cyp they are...

  2. #42
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    what do you mean that my hormones 'don't get as high" ? The shot I do monday, is recharged 2 days later. "eod shots"

  3. #43
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post


    what do you mean that my hormones 'don't get as high" ? The shot I do monday, is recharged 2 days later. "eod shots"
    Right but ur levels are only going to stay peaked for so long. K4example if u shoot 200mg eod of prop that is 600mg ew, now if u shoot test-e 3oomg 2x ew or 200mg eod u levels are going to build significantly higher because they are going to over lap... See what im saying???

  4. #44
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    Ah... but EVERYONE else is saying Test PROP for a cutting cycle.
    Quicker results, less bloat, etc.

    Maybe the higher hormones are for bulking cycles..?
    (I do see what you're saying; because Test E is a longer ester, the hormones remain high even with your next injection 3 days later)

  5. #45
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Ah... but EVERYONE else is saying Test PROP for a cutting cycle.
    Quicker results, less bloat, etc.

    Maybe the higher hormones are for bulking cycles..?
    (I do see what you're saying; because Test E is a longer ester, the hormones remain high even with your next injection 3 days later)
    I notice people get more bloat w/longer esters but if u have a DHT like mast or winny ur not going to have much if any bloat at all and u still get hight levels of hormones...

  6. #46
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    nah, I think I'll try the test Prop.

    thanks for your opinion though schmidty!

  7. #47
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    nah, I think I'll try the test Prop.

    thanks for your opinion though schmidty!
    yep!!! U might have said this in another post and i forgot but are u using anything other then prop2cut???

  8. #48
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    prop & NPP I believe.
    with clen to finish it off?

  9. #49
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    prop & NPP I believe.
    with clen to finish it off?
    Iv nevr used NPP but when i was doing short cycles i always wanted to try it. I hear amazing things about it, for bulking anyway. But IMO u can cut or bulk w/almost any aas it just up to u and how hard u want to diet... Good luck and run the clen through the cycle, either 2on2off or the whloe cycle and use the benadryl method.

  10. #50
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post


    what do you mean that my hormones 'don't get as high" ? The shot I do monday, is recharged 2 days later. "eod shots"
    what he means is that it takes longer for the hormone to be released out of a long ester so over the period of a cycle your hormone levels will be a little higher, however while using a short ester the hormone is released into your bloodstream faster and will allow you to start seeing results within a few days versus a few weeks. The slower release from the long ester tends to bloat people more and can increase the chances of gyno. I prefer short esters for my cycles b/c I like to see results shortly after starting and I dont like to run cycles over 8 weeks anymore. Besides you get a few extra mg of test via the prop ester compared to the long ester..doubt that makes much of a difference though

  11. #51
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    what he means is that it takes longer for the hormone to be released out of a long ester so over the period of a cycle your hormone levels will be a little higher, however while using a short ester the hormone is released into your bloodstream faster and will allow you to start seeing results within a few days versus a few weeks. The slower release from the long ester tends to bloat people more and can increase the chances of gyno. I prefer short esters for my cycles b/c I like to see results shortly after starting and I dont like to run cycles over 8 weeks anymore. Besides you get a few extra mg of test via the prop ester compared to the long ester..doubt that makes much of a difference though
    Propionate = C3 H4 O = 56.1mg = 83.72mg
    Cypionate = C8 H4 O = 124.2mg = 69.90mg

  12. #52
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    NPP seems to cost a lot.

  13. #53
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    Sorry.. I forgot - Can't do tren again - it triggers my hair loss to an extreme amount.
    (that's it though )

    I've never stacked.

    I've done: Clen, Tren, Winny, Test
    Hate to break this to you but if you had MPB symptoms on Tren, I can almost promise you that you are going to have major hair loss on Masteron or Winny.

    Sure there maybe some guys that say that did one and did not have hair loss and only to do the other and have it.

    Masteron and Winny is basically pure DHT--its like pouring gasoline on a fire. lol!

    Be safe!

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    prop & NPP I believe.
    with clen to finish it off?

    I don't see masteron or winny on said cycle.
    Thank you for the warning though.

  15. #55
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Oh yes and to your original post, my belief is that I honestly get bloated from Enth, Prop, Sust w/e as long as they are around the same dose.

    I think its diet, cardio, and the use of low amounts of AI. I think you need some bloat (estrogen) and killing your estrogen can whack your cholesterol.

  16. #56
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    NPP seems to cost a lot.
    but its deff powerfull and worth it in a short cycle... If i ever do another cycle w/short esters it would be this

    Test prop 50mg ed
    Npp 75mg ed mg ed
    tren ace75mg ed
    Mast prop 75mg ed
    provirion 75mg ed
    PGCL 50mcg 3x ed
    clen ___mcg ed
    T3 100mcg ed... And it would be anywere from 4-8wks long

  17. #57
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    My Prop will be EoD, and my NPP will be ... uhh.. I have no idea.
    With Arimidex every 3rd day.

  18. #58
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    My Prop will be EoD, and my NPP will be ... uhh.. I have no idea.
    With Arimidex every 3rd day.
    Just do ur NPP W/ur prop... Less stick=less chance of a abcess...

  19. #59
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    how much NPP do i mix in with the Prop?!

  20. #60
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    how much NPP do i mix in with the Prop?!
    as much as u want, proly 100-150mg though...

  21. #61
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    i would love to find out what prices are reasonable/good, for NPP

    PM me someone

  22. #62
    Atomini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    test c and masteron
    That's funny because that's what i'm doing right now, except i'm using test C because I still had half a vial left over from a previous cycle. Otherwise, i'd have opted for Test P.

  23. #63
    Mr. Warpath is offline New Member
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    I'm doing a prop/masteron cycle right now. Prop inject pain is a bitch, but the combo is very effective for me so far.

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