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  1. #1
    colo87's Avatar
    colo87 is offline Junior Member
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    One more question about taking dutrastride

    I am doing my pct and I am taking nolva and aromasin and was wondering if it was alright to take mu dutrastride as well to get some hair I lost back. Are there any kinds of interactions or anything that is bad with doing this? Rhanks for the help

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Its fine to take, but dont rely on it to get hair back you have lost.

  3. #3
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    What were you running?

  4. #4
    colo87's Avatar
    colo87 is offline Junior Member
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    test 400 but i didnt start the duta till was my first cycle and was really more of an experiment to see if i get any sides and if i did i would stop. I noticed shedding after 3 weeks on so i decided to stop it and start my pct which I am doing right now along with the duta. I now know i am not prone to gyno but am very prone to losing hair which i now found out so any recommendations on anything else to take that won't make you lose hair? I am pretty satisfied with how big and cut I am now so that's why i didn't really care to stop it...5'7 183 about 12 % but recommendations are apreciated. Thanks guys

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Using a shampoo like nizoral and using a dht blocker is pretty much all you can do im afraid.

    Shave ya head is the other option!

  6. #6
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by colo87 View Post
    I am doing my pct and I am taking nolva and aromasin and was wondering if it was alright to take mu dutrastride as well to get some hair I lost back. Are there any kinds of interactions or anything that is bad with doing this? Rhanks for the help
    You mean DUTASTERIDE? haha! just giving you crap man.

    Its okay to use Duta but I do not know how much hair it will actually grow back, its more of a preventative thing. Also, make sure if you are taking any other medication it does not react to Dutasteride. Also, might want to watch your nipples and keep a AI on hand in case you develop gyno from Dutasteride. It is a possibly side effect...

    Also, if your strength drops do not worry, happened to me on just have to train, eat, keep going and it will come back.

  7. #7
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    I think that will be worthless at this point. Why?
    Because Dutasteride acts blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, the one that converts Testosterone to DHT. Since dht is responsible for hairloss, and since it has already been released, I think taking duta now will do nothing.


  8. #8
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    I think that will be worthless at this point. Why?
    Because Dutasteride acts blocking the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, the one that converts Testosterone to DHT. Since dht is responsible for hairloss, and since it has already been released, I think taking duta now will do nothing.

    Because if you have MPB once your natural testosterone returns near or around to its 'normal' level you will again start to experience MPB. The only reason people freak out on cycle is because AAS drastically speed up the process, just because you stop AAS does not mean MPB stops too. MPB is actually a slow methodical process.

    So basically my advice to the OP is that if you DO have MPB you have to make the choice now whether or whether not you choose or not choose to run a DHT inhibitor like Finasteride/Dutasteride untill you feel like losing your hair or shaving.

  9. #9
    colo87's Avatar
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    yea im too young to lose my hair lol...21 so im just going to keep on lifting and eating right and when I actually do lose my hair I'll consider doing a cycle and getting a hair transplant lol thanks for the replies guys

  10. #10
    gimmewings is offline Junior Member
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    Why doesn't everyone take Dutasteride during cycle to prevent the acceleration of hairloss? Even if your not prone to MPB, it seems like test and such is going to speed up the process. What I'm suggesting is perhaps though you do not see signs of MPB in the way of lost hair, you may very well have shortened the time before that sad day comes.

    What are the side effects of Dutasteride and similar products?

    ...somewhat hijacked

  11. #11
    Z-Ro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmewings View Post
    Why doesn't everyone take Dutasteride during cycle to prevent the acceleration of hairloss? Even if your not prone to MPB, it seems like test and such is going to speed up the process. What I'm suggesting is perhaps though you do not see signs of MPB in the way of lost hair, you may very well have shortened the time before that sad day comes.

    What are the side effects of Dutasteride and similar products?

    ...somewhat hijacked
    Actually you bring up a very solid point. Most people here do not realise that MPB is very methodical in the way it works on some people. It is kind of like slowly chipping away at a tree and before you know it your tree falls over.

    Most guys will not or do not use it because they do not want it to inhibit their gains or naive to the fact their hair is slowly thinning/shedding away. Your hair does not fall out at the snap of a finger, your hairs become thinner untill they completely go away.

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