25 years old 82kg now this is my 4th cycle and this is my 5th week i was doing it wrong at first 4 weeks i was taking 200mg eq witch is very not enough but i rased it now to 600on the 5th week and sust i was taking 500 week1-3 week4-5 750 sustanon bcus i wasent gaining i hope i can gain now but what i did is that i switched the eq with boldebal they said it gives more gain and it has the same ester so i was planing to take stanazol on the 7th week but i will take it now on the week 8 hoping i will gain more from boldebal what do u think??? pls answer me?tell me what do u think i need ur opinion in that;my diet is perfect everyday 150g rise 150g pasta tuna sardine 3shakes pro comples gainer from optimum nutrition 50g protein 50 gcarbs eggs in the morning corn flakes100g and grains my diet is perfect but im not gaining i think bcus of the eq so what do think i should do now to continue with a good cycle and have results my goals is to be 83kg ripped i started the cycle i was 81kg is there any way to have the gre8t cutting look and keep the muscle as they r??need ur help pls