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Thread: what do u think??

  1. #1

    what do u think??

    25 years old 82kg now this is my 4th cycle and this is my 5th week i was doing it wrong at first 4 weeks i was taking 200mg eq witch is very not enough but i rased it now to 600on the 5th week and sust i was taking 500 week1-3 week4-5 750 sustanon bcus i wasent gaining i hope i can gain now but what i did is that i switched the eq with boldebal they said it gives more gain and it has the same ester so i was planing to take stanazol on the 7th week but i will take it now on the week 8 hoping i will gain more from boldebal what do u think??? pls answer me?tell me what do u think i need ur opinion in that;my diet is perfect everyday 150g rise 150g pasta tuna sardine 3shakes pro comples gainer from optimum nutrition 50g protein 50 gcarbs eggs in the morning corn flakes100g and grains my diet is perfect but im not gaining i think bcus of the eq so what do think i should do now to continue with a good cycle and have results my goals is to be 83kg ripped i started the cycle i was 81kg is there any way to have the gre8t cutting look and keep the muscle as they r??need ur help pls

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    no your diet is NOT perfect or even close..go to diet forum and start's how you need to eat to cut

    you realize the gains you get from steroids are totally dependant on diet??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    Your diet sounds awful as longhorn said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    The Steel City
    laughable diet. You shouldnt be on aas

  5. #5
    nut im not starting to cut right now im bulking for 5weeks now still have 2 more weeks and then im gonna start cutting then i would change my diet

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    either way your diet is not good for bulking or this on how to bulk

  7. #7
    i was just wondering where does the calories come from the most? carbs fats or protein

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by eddgardd View Post
    i was just wondering where does the calories come from the most? carbs fats or protein
    The most calories per gram come from fat

    1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
    1 gram of protein = 4 calories
    1 gram of fat = 9 calories

    You need all three in your diet however.

    As was stated above by multiple people, your diet is laughable at best.

    How much (percentage wise) of your diet is carbs, protein, and fat when bulking and cutting?

    How many calories do you consume when bulking and cutting?
    How many calories do you consume for maintenance?

  9. #9
    im sorry guys i dont know how to calculate the calories but i'll tell u my diet
    meal1-protein shake 50g protein 50g carbs 4eggs white 1 whole banana and corn flackes
    meal2-whole grains with milk
    meal3-150g rise 100g chicken breast or steak with salad and 1 fruit
    meal4-100g chiken breast 2ozmixed nuts
    meal5-150or200g pasta 1can tuna
    befor workout in one hour another protein shake 50g p and 50 g carbs
    meal6-post workout not more then 5 minutes 1protein shake 50g prot 50g carbs
    meal7- ppwo 1can sardine and salade then bed time pls tell me if it is enough i think its a 4000 calories diet what do u think ?and is it enough while bulking an while im gonna start cutting in 3 weeks i will have whey protein instead of weight gainer and eat less the amount of carbs b4 workout this is what i plan

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    It's not a 4000 calories diet at all. I bet it is below 3000, for sure.
    You definitely need to eat more, less shakes and more complete/not processed foods, if possible. Add some ww bread, beef, turkey, more chiken, cottage cheese, casein, EFAs (flax seed, natural peanut butter), oats.
    Where do you live?


  11. #11

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    go to and create an account and enter everything in that you eat and it will give you the calories and break it donw into pro/carb/fat..but dont just make up a weight of a scale and weigh everything you eat

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