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  1. #1
    M.M is offline Banned
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    Question How far can you go on oral only cycles?,experiences/routes/results?.

    Hi,I'm just looking for other guys experiences of oral only cycles and how many of these they have managed to do effectively?.

    I'm keen to go onto sustanon /dbol cycle from dbol only but needles are all new to me and far from my favourite thing,I'm sure some of you guys can relate to this.

    I've heard of people doin more than one dbol only cycle,doing dbol plus a bit of testogel and I'm curious as to routes people have taken and results they have got,how far they have gone with oral only/testogel or any form of test?

    I hope this will be helpful to others too and thanks in advance for all your help.

  2. #2
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Just man up and stick yourself, dbol 's gains will only last as long as your on it.

  3. #3
    lovetobebig1984 is offline Associate Member
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    mucle said it best man want to get huge and feel great then in 2 weeks when your off the pills shrink bak down to where you are now....or you gonna be a man and take the little pinch to get huge and stay that way.....hmmmmm hard choice ....haha ill take stick myself for 500 alex....

  4. #4
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    I cant knock a dbol only cycle because i did one and gained about 25lbs and kept around 15-17 of it without changin my BF% back when i was 22... But I did a proper PCT tho so most who do Dbol cycles just take them and then stop with no pct... Buit the bad thing was after I stopped the Dbol it was a pretty hard crash so I dont recommend it but I think it works but thats just my exp with it

  5. #5
    M.M is offline Banned
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    DUGGADOO,thanks for your reply,least someone has some faith hey.

    Would be cool to chat a bit so I can see first hand your experience of dbol ,far as I know I cant send private message to you so get back to me on here yeah and go from there if possible.

    Chatting would be great help so hope to speak soon.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    the problem with running orals for a long period is the extra stress they put on your liver AND how badly they destroy your cholesterol profile..plenty of people have run orals with good results, however I believe you will get better results from non-aromatizing orals such as winny, var, etc..than aromatizing stuff like dbol ..typically you get a lot of water weight and lose it all when you come off..injections are far superior to orals for a variety of reasons..if you want good results..INJECT

  7. #7
    AaronJM1984's Avatar
    AaronJM1984 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovetobebig1984 View Post
    mucle said it best man want to get huge and feel great then in 2 weeks when your off the pills shrink bak down to where you are now....or you gonna be a man and take the little pinch to get huge and stay that way.....hmmmmm hard choice ....haha ill take stick myself for 500 alex....

    injectibles are superior...but orals can get the job done, if you choose to run an oral only cycle, I'd go with dbol for 6 weeks

    depending on your stats (if you're atleast 21 years old and near 200lbs.)
    dbol week 1-4: 50mg a day
    dbol week 5: 20mg a day
    dbol week 6: 10mg a day
    Clomid or Nolva or both, week 7: Clomid @ 150mg a day, Nolva @ 40mg a day
    Clomid or Nolva or both, week 8: Clomid @ 100mg a day, Nolva @ 20mg a day
    Clomid or Nolva or both, week 9: Clomid @ 50mg a day, Nolva @ 20mg a day

    With the cycle above, you'll possibly gain 15-30lbs. almost half of that will be water, a pound or two of fat, so if you do it right, you're looking at 5-10lbs. of LBM, which is pretty good for 6 weeks.

    Some react different though, I ran dbol up to 80mg a day, and I've only gained 5 or 6 lbs. after 5 weeks, my strength is thru the roof though, and my bodyfat has lowered, go figure.

    Some on here also suggest a low dose of dbol and anadrol together
    something like...

    week 1-4: dbol 20mg a day
    week 1-3: anadrol 50mg a day
    followed by either tapering dose down for a week or two or a proper PCT

    *you don't have to taper dose down when taking orals, but to me it seems like the smart thing to do...this way your body doesn't crash quite as hard

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