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  1. #1
    High-roller is offline Member
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    What was your outcome of Clen ONLY!

    I am 5'9 and lost 3-4LB in 5 days and gut gone down 1-1/2Inchs.

    What did you get from clen ?

    I would add in T3/T4, But with this AR guy he is scaring me, I still havn't got any message back on what with my Clen from him...

    Anyways! Let me know!

    But if I was to get T4, Would I lose muscle?
    Last edited by High-roller; 04-25-2008 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Dont worry about lion, u will get w/u order... Clen is a amazing compound and i highly reccommend it on and off cycle. W/a good diet and training program u will be absolutly amazed by the fat loss with it... If u want to ad T3 to it as well u can but if ur not on a cycle i would not go over 50mcg ed... I have never used T4 or know anybody personally who has, so i cant give anything to u on that...

  3. #3
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    what did I get? tachycardia, an abnormal EKG, high blood pressue..i stay away from that stuff... not good for cardiovascular system IMO..but some people like Schmidity love and have great results..I did not

  4. #4
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    I got palpitations, chest pain, terrible shakes, slightly elavated body temp, great pumps, lots of drive in the gym, but noticable weightloss whatsoever.

  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    hmmmm, I got a lot of sweating, nervousness, shaking to the point my mom asked me if I was on quite a bender last night. I'm not sure if I will use again or not, I'd rather hit the cardio harder.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if I want something that'll make me shake really bad and make me lose weight..I'll go down to columbia and get some of their pure appetite supressant!! lol.....Im kidding obviously..but thats what clen made me feel like

  7. #7
    TheJuicer is offline Member
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    I never real like clen ..I like T3 better...less sides and didnt feel so wacked out.

  8. #8
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Well, clen is doing me good, good result, shaking I will deal with it, Cardio I have not seen much but I can run fast at times and not breath heavry. Pumps are great also.

    So I guess it is who you are!

    Thanks for the 95% bad new and thanks Schmidity for your 5%!

  9. #9
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Quote Originally Posted by High-roller View Post
    Well, clen is doing me good, good result, shaking I will deal with it, Cardio I have not seen much but I can run fast at times and not breath heavry. Pumps are great also.

    So I guess it is who you are!

    Thanks for the 95% bad new and thanks Schmidity for your 5%!
    Why the fvck does nobody like clen??? Fine more for me then!!!

  10. #10
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
    jeffefrijoles is offline Associate Member
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    Me = loves clen . I can tolerate the shakes that are associated with it as you ramp up and they eventually go away. I use the Banadryl protocol so as not to have to cycle on/off. The only side I dont care for are cramps - which of course are combatted with extra water and supplemental Taurine. Clen + T3 = fiery pits of hell!!!

  11. #11
    whiteronniewannabe is offline Junior Member
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    Im going on to clens after pct, so after finishing cycle and what not, 2 months max. Good to see others out there asking the same questions as me

  12. #12
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i didnt like clen at all. not worth it imo

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