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Thread: Summer cycle looking for review

  1. #1

    Summer cycle looking for review

    Hey everyone,
    Although i think this is my first post on this name, i've actually been on these boards for a while, but forgot my old name and password, so just got a new one a while back. Anyways, been researching and getting ready to do a cycle for summer. Cutting cycle, some lean mass would be nice. Here's what i have in mind:
    Test E: 400mg (weeks 1-12)
    Eq: 500mg (weeks 1-12)
    Winny: 50mg ed (weeks 1-5)
    Proviron: 50mg ed (weeks 1-12)

    PCT will be three weeks, clomid and nolva, possibley igf-1.

    I'm currently 28, 200lbs. Not a first cycle. I'm not looking for crazy results. Diet is always in check, 8 meals a day. Using Test e instead of prop because i dont want ed injections. First time using eq, i'm just curious as to how i'll respond to it. Want to use proviron to help with bloat in keep sex drive up, which as dropped for me in the past even while on test. Dont want to raise test any higher because i get bad sides with hair lose and acne while on in the past. One question i do have is whether or not i need nolva during the cycle if i'm using proviron ed, and is 50mg ed a good dose for proviron.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    cycle looks fine. the only thing that i would change is i would run the winny the last 5-6 weeks of cycle not the begining. and i wouldnt use the nolva. just get yourself an AI and only run if signs of gyno. what is your bf% and what do you have planned for pct?

  3. #3
    PCT would look something like...
    Day 1: 300mg Clomid / 40mg Nolva
    week 1: 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Weeks 2-3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva

    Why winny the last 5 weeks? I would want it at the beginning to kickstart the cycle while the test and eq take time to kick in.
    Last edited by CaptCrash; 04-28-2008 at 05:44 AM.

  4. #4
    Bodyfat is rough around 11 percent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Winny helps to harden up in the end of a cycle, it doesn't works so well as a kickstarter, it's preferably better to frontload the injectables for that purpose.


  6. #6
    How bout i'll put var in there instead then for weeks 1-8

    frontloading really would be worth while?

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