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Thread: Beginer Tren-Test cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Beginer Tren-Test cycle

    I am just starting out with bodybuilding, I have lifted in the past on and off, with only achieving minor strength/size gains. I have decided to get back into weightlifting, and more particular bodybuilding. I want to know if anyone would be able to tell me a good Trenbol-Test cycle. I have ordered some Nolvadex as well. I am doing research online about different cycles, but I am unable to find out a good beginer cycle with the above mentioned drugs. Could anyone give me some advice. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    A) welcome!
    B) what r ur stats? (age, weight, lifting exp (like current streak, because you said you have lifted on and off, so how long have u been on?), diet, bf %, goals, cycle experience; this info will help everyone be somewhat acquainted w/ you and can then advise)
    C) if this is your first cycle, I woudnt do tren... Most recommend a standard test cycle at roughly 500 mg a week
    D) Be sure to get a PCT down and planned before you start because you dont want to wait untill like a week before your cycle is done and be "oh shit what do i do now? i need a pct"
    E) are you wanting to do tren a? tren e? test susp? test p? test e? test c?
    F) what are you personal opinions on injections? ED, EOD, E3D, 2X week? - that will help determine what test to use
    G) as for the PCT if you are doing tren, you might want to look into doing more than just nolva, read anthony roberts PCT sticky for that...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    My Stats are the following:
    age 26
    weight 210
    bf not sure around 20-23%
    I have been off lifting for about a year now and just started back!
    I am looking to loose fat and build lean muscle, I was told that trenbol was the way to go to do that. I order two bottles of trenbol and one bottle of test, I also ordered a shit load of Nolvadex about 270 10mg tabs. Yes this would be my first cycle. I was planning on doing 6 weeks on the test-tren while taking 20 mg of Nolvadex a day, and then taking just Nolva., again 20mg a day, and then taking 6 weeks completely off. And then repeat this over. I am not sure how much to take of Tren and Test on these six weeks, because I am not sure how much will be in each bottle(vial). I think the Tren is Trenbolone Enthiate, because the guy I am buying it from has told me that he only does one injection a week. So, obviously it could not be the Acetate because of the short life it has. I hope this information is helpful.

  4. #4
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    personally i think ur bf is to high
    At the higher BF% ya just ganna get fatter rather than anything else.

    Remember fat has a higher concentration of Aromatase enzyme, so your a far more likely candidate for aromatization and therefore will put on water weight and fat.

    Muscle can be build and fat dropped through correct diet and training.

    if you get ur diet down good, u will lose some weight then the risks arent as bad.. cause AAS will fvck w/ ur lipid profiles, cholesterol, bp and stuff like that... search the forum for high body fat and aas use... and if u do tren, you need to do the test longer than the tren...

    and u have been lifting off for a year now?!?! you should be lifting for at least a year to think about starting AAS.... and loosing fat and gaining lean muscle... thats losing weight, and gainingweight... total oppsites... !!!
    my opinion, dont do it... bf too high, you need more test then tren, and if u use tren, u wanna look into more than nolva...

  5. #5
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    IMO you should NOT look into AAS but look into normal supps like protein, creatine, and maybe a fat burner... but NOT AAS...

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    if your only acheving minor str/size gains i would work on your diet to brother

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    wow, where to start?

    You need to be lifting for a while before you even think about useing aas. You need to get into a routine. You will make huge gains with ZERO supplimentation at first anyway, why use aas then? You need to get your tendons/ ligaments ready for the added strain, 6 months min before you start aas.

    Nothing beginner about useing trenbolone. Nothing. That is some serious shit, not for use by those who have less than 2 cycles completed (successfully)

    Nolvadex and tren dont mix, if you researched you would know this, and would know why.

    Tren gave me wicked gyno in like 5-6 days, you know what i used to combat it? You need to make sure you dont jump into anything here.

    Not trying to flame you or make you feel dumb, but why not read drug p[rofiles forum, members first cycle results under "cycle results" and study pct gear and protocall. Come back and post your proposed cycle and i will be happy to help you out then bro. Sorry if this comes off as harsh, just want to make sure that you dont hurt yourself.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2008


    Thanks guys for all the information, I really respect your opinions on this. What site or what information could I read up on. Nolv. does not work for Trenbol. I will lift for a year without taking anything, I really did not know all of this that you are telling me. The guy who is selling me this told me that he used this for the most of his gains. He also told me that it would shed fat off, as well as build muscle, so guess I have been a little bit misinformed here. Anyway I already ordered this stuff, so I guess I will just have to store away for awhile, I hope I can do that??? Anyway I am going to get exact figures on my body fat and post them on here and go from there. Just out of curiousity though why would Nolvadex not work for Trenbolone, and I also read that gyno is not a problem with Trenbol.

  9. #9
    well idk if im exactly correct about this one but i think nolav doesnt work with tren bcuz tren antagonizes the progestorone receptor.. but something is telling me i am wrong so any help?...but yah buy your cycle now and save it .. i did the same thing!

  10. #10
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    well idk if im exactly correct about this one but i think nolav doesnt work with tren bcuz tren antagonizes the progestorone receptor.. but something is telling me i am wrong so any help?...but yah buy your cycle now and save it .. i did the same thing!
    your right, tren is a progestin meaning it stimulates the progesterone receptor (60%), and nolva shouldn't be taken with it as nolva can make progestrone receptors more sensitive

  11. #11
    Thank you phate!

  12. #12
    What's with all the newbs wanting to throw tren into their FIRST cycle? Where are you new guys getting this idea from? Tren is the MFer of all steroids with bad sides when not done properly... We have beginner cycle suggestions very easy to find... They are time tested great advice.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by KMG300 View Post
    Thanks guys for all the information, I really respect your opinions on this. What site or what information could I read up on.'s a thread on all the AIs and Serms

    here's some good pcts threads to read

    does not work for Trenbol. I will lift for a year without taking anything, I really did not know all of this that you are telling me. The guy who is selling me this told me that he used this for the most of his gains. He also told me that it would shed fat off, as well as build muscle, so guess I have been a little bit misinformed here. he's a dealer, if he tells you the truth then you wouldn't buy it would you, but we have no stake or cash on the line so we'll try to steer you in the right direction whenever possible

    Anyway I already ordered this stuff, so I guess I will just have to store away for awhile, I hope I can do that??? stored in a dark room temperature place that doesn't flucuate temp. AS will last for years, your good to go

    Anyway I am going to get exact figures on my body fat and post them on here and go from there.

    Just out of curiousity though why would Nolvadex not work for Trenbolone, and I also read that gyno is not a problem with Trenbol.
    tren is a progestin meaning it stimulates the progesterone receptor (60%), and nolva shouldn't be taken with it as nolva can make progestrone receptors more sensitive

    but tren is resistant to the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, so you won't get gyno from estrogen while running tren

    btw, here are some threads on diet and workout to help you get started the right way, i'm glad you've chosen the right way to do this, remember, bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint, patience will win everytime

    diet threads

    workout threads

    steroid basics

    good cycles

    read this and your knowledge level will triple if not more, have fun researching
    Last edited by Phate; 04-28-2008 at 07:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    What should my bf be at to even start steroids. Should I be most concerned with this. I realize a good diet would be one that is high in protein and very low in carbs. I plan on eating alot of chicken and tuna for protein. And maybe a bagel or two for carbs, would this be considered a suitable diet to get started??????????

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by KMG300 View Post
    What should my bf be at to even start steroids. Should I be most concerned with this. I realize a good diet would be one that is high in protein and very low in carbs. I plan on eating alot of chicken and tuna for protein. And maybe a bagel or two for carbs, would this be considered a suitable diet to get started??????????
    This doesn't say anything. Post a COMPLETE diet layout along with total daily macros


  16. #16

    First Time

    I have a coworker that does a 12 week cycle of Trem and Test (1 shot a week) and i have been thinking about trying it.

    I am 25
    5'11 - 150lbs

    I have been working out hard for the past 2 years with very slow gains. I have put on about 10 lbs of muscle mass in the last 2 years, but i have a very fast metabolism so i am still quite skinny. I do not have the best diet, but i try to keep my protein intake high.

    Currently i drink Casein Protein at night, Creatine and NO-Xplode at 4:30. I work out Mon-Fri from 5-6:15. I also drink Myoplex Protein 20 mins after work out.

    Any advice on if i should try the Trem/Test stack out? I do not want to get huge, but i do want to get bigger than i am now.

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