Thanks guys for all the information, I really respect your opinions on this. What site or what information could I read up on. Nolv.
here's a thread on all the AIs and Serms
here's some good pcts threads to read
does not work for Trenbol. I will lift for a year without taking anything, I really did not know all of this that you are telling me. The guy who is selling me this told me that he used this for the most of his gains. He also told me that it would shed fat off, as well as build muscle, so guess I have been a little bit misinformed here.
he's a dealer, if he tells you the truth then you wouldn't buy it would you, but we have no stake or cash on the line so we'll try to steer you in the right direction whenever possible
Anyway I already ordered this stuff, so I guess I will just have to store away for awhile, I hope I can do that???
stored in a dark room temperature place that doesn't flucuate temp. AS will last for years, your good to go
Anyway I am going to get exact figures on my body fat and post them on here and go from there.
Just out of curiousity though why would Nolvadex not work for Trenbolone, and I also read that gyno is not a problem with Trenbol.