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Thread: What do i have to take along with Methyl Masterdol?

  1. #1

    What do i have to take along with Methyl Masterdol?

    I am almost 19 and i have been thinking about taking this stuff for a while, because although i am very serious about lifting, every weekend i cannot stop myself from partying, i just can't give up that part of my life so i think taking this stuff could make up for, or even add more strength and bulk to myself- but i need to know what to take along with this stuff to minimize the negative effects of the anabolic stuff. And if the myth about penis shrinkage true?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    first of all your posting in the wrong area... that is a supplement that is pretty much worthless especially considering its a different formula than it was 2 years ago trust me i took that stuff at you age and i regret it. stop trying to take an easy way out. lift hard, eat your face off, and be more discipled.

  3. #3
    O Boy!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    What are your current stats.

    Also, taking any type of AAS is NOT a supplement for being a partier. You first need to learn how to diet correctly and lift to be in constant shape, and that usually means giving up some of the party life (aka alcohol). I still go to clubs, party, hang out with people but i stay away from alcohol. ITs called sef-control and being mature about it. What your thinking of doing is not the way around it and it will only lead to more self-harm with your body.

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