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Thread: Questions

  1. #1


    Just wondering what should I take I am 18 and 6 feet tall, I weigh 235 and bench about 225. What can I take that will make my max go up in all parts of the body, also that does not have a lot of side effects and nothing to do with needle.

    Please read our rules!!! you may not ask for sources... *admin*

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    At 18, you don't need gear, and you can't ask for sources.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    try out supplements. NO explode and creatine will get your strength up. too young for aas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Keep working out heavy and eat right until you are 23 years old and then you will be ready. Read everything you can, if you do steroids at that young of an age your body will not grow properly. This is why you must wait until you are 23 when the male body is just about done growing. Besides that oral only cycles are garbage and your gains are mostly lost along with liver damage and other side effects. Orals should only be taken to jumpstart a cycle or end one off.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    wow great first post.

    The reason people say for you not to use aas at 18 is because
    it will cause growth plates to fuse
    your body isnt fullt formed yet
    your natural test is so high it would be a waste
    no matter what you think, 18 year olds are immature

    food is the most impiortant thing that you can do. period.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2005
    Food, creatine, pre-workout supplements, adequite rest.

  7. #7
    thanks for the information, I think im going to get Anaboloc Halo by museltech but i want to stack it with something else, Im already chubby so I don't need protein.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by anarchy View Post
    thanks for the information, I think im going to get Anaboloc Halo by museltech but i want to stack it with something else, Im already chubby so I don't need protein.
    protein has nothing to do with gaining weight, it helps build your muscle. So if you want to lose all of your muscle gains then stop taking protein. Here is a small article about protein...It looks like you need to read ALOT more about everything and stop listening to your retarded buddies who dont know shit.


    Take in the protein baseline every day: 1g per pound of body weight.

    The typical intake is highly effective at supporting muscle growth for hard training bodybuilders. When you eat at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight daily (200g for a 200-pound bodybuilder), your supplying your body with sufficiant protein to rebuild and repair muscle tissue that has been damaged from training. When you rebuild and repair the result is obvious you grow.
    Regardless of your goals whether it's to add mass, get ripped you should always strive to take in the baseline recommendation. The exception to this is when you protein cycle.

    How much is too much?

    If you think you need 2g of protein per pound of bodyweight, you would be consuming 400g of protein (Based on a 200lb BB) Thats alot of eggs, meat and chicken. If you rely on Shakes then thats alot of possible gastric distress.
    I believe that such high daily protein consumption is too excessive, although common with most of todays BB's. It is not recommended because this practice demonstraites a misguided understanding of how muscle grows.
    Growth depends on a sufficient intake of protein (not shedloads) and it is also correlated with carbohydrate intake.
    The right combo of carbs and protein tends to promote a better muscle building state than a diet over loaded with protein and short on carbs. Those who go excessivley high on protein and low on carbs may find they are cheating themselves out of extra muscle growth. There is also a limit to how much growing a natty BB can attian, regardless of the amout of protein consumed. It is considered that 2g is far in excess of any BB's threshold for growth.

    How much is to little?

    It has often been stated that muscle building occures with a protein consumption of roughly 0.7g per pound of body weight daily (140g a day for a 200lb BB). If you consumed less than that daily then you would see very little if no gains even tho it has been considered by the likes of P.W.Lemon that 160g might be enough protein for a 200lb BB it is still recommended that you take in 200g to be on the safe side.

  9. #9
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    Jun 2007

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