I keep getting swelling after some injections just not sure exactly how often but i would say about 1 in every 4 injections leaves considerable swellage.Injections usually arent a big deal just some soreness but those that leave the swelling does usually interfere with workout plans.For instance if its glutes id have to put legs off for 4 more days than usual and if in delts same goes for upperbody which is a real pain in the ass.
The gear came in sachets from supplier steroid.com gives you on their referral list which kinda pisses me off at steroid.com for referring me to a supplier that would sell u crap that does this.Sure this stuff is alot cheaper but the pain you have to put up with after some injections trumps the cost.
They advertise this stuff like its as painless and same as all other gear just cheaper since its made by ugl instead of a more well known brand.From my experience i would very seriously doubt that.I think the fact of matter most likely would be they made somethin cheaply to sell quick no matter how painfull for us the users as long as they get fast money from the gimmick.I would say steroid.com just refers you to whichever supplier pays them most for advertisement.I would say the doses of this supplier would be very suspect.Sure they supply so called legit lab records of their product but doesnt every damn supplier out there even though alot are bunk products have lab work that shows product up to their claims?
The information on steroid.com is great and the ppl here on the forums for the most part are great.So steroid.com is providing in my opinion a great site for knowledge and information on aas and a great forums also but i would question their referral when it comes to sachets and claims of sachet products.
I quit hitting the quads because i believe im one of those sensitive ones in that area cause usually after every injection there im finding it hard to get my shoes and socks on among other things like walking like im crippled.
Glutes are my favorite cause i have least problems with pain afterwards and swelling but have had times that the glute i injected into to swell twice the size of other and one side of jeans to be tightly fit and other baggy.
Delts i like alot better than quads but my last injection which was 1ml 100mg/ml of test propionate last thursday has left considerable swelling which is now just starting to come down and pain to subside.The worst of the swelling and pain was on friday,saturday, and sunday.I was taking aspirin every 6 hours and putting plastic bags of ice on area to help with pain and swelling.It sure made for some long days.
I used 5/8 25gauge pin on delt.Weird thing about it is seems knotty were side of arm below delt is but above the bicep.Right where if u flex bicep above it but on the side of the arm you can usually feel the bone through skin right below where delt begins.This area is swollen and knotty and is far below where i actually injected the test.
Could i have possibly not been deep enough into muscle?Or possibly my muscle didnt except all the injection and it trickled down to there?Or just how this product is made so cheaply that this is the usual effects from it?
I read alot of other post of ppl having problems with swelling and pain after injecting this product that comes in sachets.I bought a filter and filtered it but still have same problems with it.Ive read some say its the oil they used in it that causes the problems.Whats your opinions of this stuff?