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Thread: First time user... help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    First time user... help!

    Well.. ive been researching for close a year and have decided i would like to try a 6-8 week cycle of dbol\deca.. i have a few questions.. these have been asked before but im hoping to get a few more answers that concur with the answers ive already gotten... this is my first time ever taking steroids... im not looking to gain ALOT of weight.. but i am looking for some gains, and to get cut, but mainly looking to get stronger and faster.. in a minimal amount of told a good beginner stack to acheive this would be..

    deca - 200-400mg \ week
    dbol - 25-50mg \ day

    i havent had much confirmation on the PCT.. some say its not really needed.. some say to use some noveldex... so id like some input on PCT for this cycle.. and if someone could... tell me what to expect with this cycle... and how to take it.. along the lines of ... if i should take the deca for a certain amount of time before the dbol.. or visa versa... something like that... thanks a lot

    i also hear about adding test... what is your guys's opinions on a good beginning cycle... what should one take that has never done a cycle before. and what should i expect ?


    Height: 6`4
    Weight: 205
    bf % : 13 .. maybe.. approximate... i have a very lean build...

    no cycle exp. first time user..

    Goals: Stronger and faster... some size is wanted

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    why are you posting the same thread again?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    looks like you have AT LEAST another year or two of research to go..................

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I dont know if you are just looking for approval or what but I will say that no one will approve of this cycle. If you are ready for AAS then you should start with a test only cycle with a PCT of nolvadex or clomid at least.

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