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  1. #1
    w8erv is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    Considering Roids (Newb)

    Im new here but 20 years old and have hypoglycemia. Was considering trying steroids have been lifting for the last 6 years, and have a pretty steady diet and also take plenty of supplements. But after being diagnosed with hypoglycemia I have hit a brick wall. I lost a ton of weight and muscle mass because of the hypoglycemia and also was not able to lift for a few months due to a torn rotator cuff. Wanted opinions on a steroid cycle, Would it be safe with hypoglycemia to start a cycle? What should I take? what are all of your opinions? I wiegh 175lbs about 5'9". Was going to order some anavar due to the fact that is does not aromatize with the hopes of just losing some body fat and trying to jump start my muscle mass. Was also considering Dianabol with an anti estrogen. Would like to stay with orals. But just give me your opinions?

    Thanks in advance to everyone I know you all are very knowledgeable and have a lot of good advice. And I am a newb so I apologize for the dumb questions
    Last edited by w8erv; 04-29-2008 at 12:40 AM. Reason: incorrect spelling

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    orals only are a poor cycle choice.

    i would consult a proper md to find out whether or not the hypoglycemia could be dangerous.

    a test e cycle is the basic bread and butter cycle, but i think you should work on getting your muscle mass up again to a level that was around the same as your pre injury state.

    keep reading up on pct and ancillaries and what a proper cycle consists of

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