Thread: Tren and Prop cycle
04-29-2008, 01:59 PM #1
Tren and Prop cycle
Looking to gain some lean mass, maybe 5-10 pounds at most, and cut off some fat. 22 5'8" 185 11% bf, good diet, have a professional nutritionist set it all up for me. Its around 3800 calories a day, 350 grams of protein, 340 grams carbs. Heres the cycle
12 week-500mg test prop/wk administered ED, 500mg tren A/wk administered ed. Any other compounds i should throw in? I have Dbol sitting around. Can get whatever you guys think I need
Should have to worry about retaining water on this right? Last cycle my face was all puffy.
I'm wondering if I should maybe take some B6 vitamin along with this cycle. Anything else I should be adding in supplement wise? Maybe something to help progesteronic sides of tren like the arm acne i tend to get.
Last cycle was 12 weeks Deca 450mg/wk bi weekly shots, test cyp 500mg/wk bi weekly shots. It was univet brand, really didnt feel like it helped as much as my first cycle of ugl stuff. It gave me slight arm acne side effects wise, and thats about it. I was an extreme horn dog, but thats usual for me, even during recovery time.
PCT will be HCG , Nolva, and Clomid.
Thanks guys!
04-29-2008, 02:13 PM #2
I think I'd lower the Test to 350 week and keep the Tren where it is, or vice versa. Also, at 185lb I don't think you're going to lose bodyfat at 3800 calories and 340g Carbs, but I think you can bulk very well. Keep A-dex on hand incase of bloat/gyno.
Lastly, are you sure you want short esters for a 12 week cycle? That's going to be a lot of shots. Have you looked into Test E / Tren E?
i'd look into anthony roberts pct... it explains it good, the use of nolva and clomid... and do that one... just my 2 cents
04-30-2008, 01:36 PM #4
Yeah I want short esters, I don't like that I retain water on Test E, my face gets all chubby looking. Anything I can take thatw on't hurt gains too much but will keep the water weight off my face? Off cycle my neck and face are normal, on cycle my neck is bigger then my head and my face looks fat. I'm kind of thinking I should just run Test E at 625mg/wk and deca at 600mg/wk so I get less sides. But I dont know how to keep the damn water weight off
04-30-2008, 01:36 PM #5
And I was gonna throw dbol in the first 4 weeks and 25/mg/day if I can find a good way to keep the water weight off my face
04-30-2008, 01:40 PM #6
I don't know that you'll get less sides with the Test E / Deca compared to Prop / Tren . As I mentioned I just finished a Prop / Tren cycle, and had no sides with zero water retention. You can keep an AI on hand in case you start holding some water, but you shouldn't with the shorter esters. If you don't mind ED injections for a long period of time, I think the Prop / Tren is the way to go.
Side note - how were your sides on the Deca?
05-01-2008, 11:55 AM #7
I got some arm and back acne. And I retained alot of water, my face gets way bloated on test and deca . I have access to pretty much anything. Was maybe thinking of running supertest450 at 625mg/wk w/ tren e to cut back one injections. Anyway I can run prop/ace and do injections eod? or will my sides be way worse? I want something I can take to not get this damn arm and back acne.
05-01-2008, 11:56 AM #8
boondock-was this a cutting cycle you did, or did u bulk on it? I'd like to gain about 10 pounds of lean mass. I'm at 11% and would love to be around 7 or 8% when done. Thinking about doing clen at 100mcg ed 14 days on, 14 off, while on cycle. I dunno if it will kill my gains though
cut some calories out of ur diet and the tren will do the cutting for you as long as u have a good diet and workout...
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