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  1. #1
    Mj86 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Help with T-bol cycle

    I will be starting a t-bol cycle, and i wasnt sure if i should use t-bol alone. Many ppl suggest some form of test, but all i have is andriol I also have a some primo tabs, but right now im focusing solely on bulking a bit. So heres what im thinking.
    Wk1 40mg T-bol
    Wk2 40mg T-bol
    WK3 40mg T-bol
    Wk4 40mg T-bol/8caps andriol
    Wk5 40mg T-bol/8caps andriol
    Wk6 40mg T-bol/8caps andriol
    Wk7 40mg T-bol/8caps andriol
    Wk8 40mg T-bol/8caps andriol

    Having said this i also have enough primo tabs to run 100mg up to 50 days not much but all i got. I also have proviron not sure if i need to incorporate that into this cycle. Any help would be greaty appreciated thanks. I have all the Nolvadex i could possibly need for pct and also the proviron. But form my understanding T-bol doesnt aromatize neither does andriol so i think i should be fairly safe.
    Last edited by Mj86; 04-29-2008 at 08:06 PM.

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