ok im about to run my next cycle and i have a good amount of test cypionate,deca,and dbol.i wanna run all three together to put on some good mass.i just want some suggestions on how to run this to gain but most importantly not have deca dick issues.ive had tren issues in the past and cant afford to have that again.i also have caber on hand and wanna use that as well.heres what i wanted to run
weeks 1-4 40mg dbol
weeks 1-14 500mg test cyp
weeks 2-14 300mg deca
caber .25mg 1-2 times week
does this seem like enough deca to make gains.ive never ran it before and im just worried and heard i should keep the test up almost twice as much.should i have any issues with 300mg?any other ideas of what a good cycle with these compounds would be appreciated.thanks