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Thread: DECA and Test E

  1. #1
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    DECA and Test E


    I suggest you run test at about 500mg. Some say thats over kill and 250mg is plenty first time around. For some maybe. I know for a fact for me it wouldn't have been enough. I upped my doses mid cycle from 400mg to 600mg before I got satisfactory results from my test. To me 500mg is in no way shape or form excessive.

    For the eq or deca I would run it at 300-400mg. Ran mine at 400mg. I felt it had a great effect on me.

    Other thing you need to be taking

    Lots of water. I am not shitting you when I say on a cycle I drink 2+ gallons a day. I just drink it out of a 1 gallon jug. Hope you don't get in trouble at work for being in the bathroom every 15 min.

    Anti estrogen. I personally take nolva though out the whole cycle @ 20mg. If I feel itchy or sore nipples I up it to 50mg till its gone. Then its back to 20mg. I run it till I'm done with my PCT (post cycle therapy ). Other good things to run with or instead of nolva liquadex, ferma, Arimidex . Read around you'll see a couple others. Nolva for me is simply cheap available and effective.

    Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) I follow the idea that clomid alone is a perfectly fine PCT for most cycles. I will say for any kinda cycle your going to be doing here it is. The thing is you wanna start your clomid when the majority of the anabolics are out of your system. For that you need to know that test Enathate (which is the test I recommend you use right now) after 2 weeks will diminish enough to Begin PCT. For deca and eq it will be roughly 3 weeks. So you will simply end the eq/deca a week before the test.

    The correct way to run clomid:
    day 1 300mg
    day 2-11 100mg ed (every day)
    day 12-21 50 mg ed

    I want to run the cycle posted above. Can someone explain to me how many vials of Deca and Test E I will need for this. I am a first time user.

  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    cycle exp
    liftin exp

  3. #3
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    20, 5'11, 170lbs, liftin 3-4 years

  4. #4
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    shelve the gear and get yourself some cold cuts.

  5. #5
    Saunacrank's Avatar
    Saunacrank is offline Associate Member
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    man I know this sounds hard but wait, I started when I was 20 and it was really stupid, I gained allt hsi weight on my first cycle and it was only because I hadn;t reached my potential and wasnt eating right, gained like 24 pounds, also lost 14 of it after the cycle. Learn from my mistakes, just get your diet in check and you have alot more weight to gain naturally. I'm now 22 5'8" 185 11% and getting ready to do a cycle. BUT like me I bet you won't listen. So run it this way.

    Weeks 1-14 Test E or C-500mg/wk bi weekly shots
    Weeks 1-4 dbol -20-30 mg ED split up and taken twice a day.
    Weeks 1-12 Deca 400mg/wk

    You can just leave the deca out, this is your first cycle and the test and dbol will be more then enough. Also if you run deca you need to run two weeks past when you stop taking the Deca due to it being so suppressive.

    PCT w/ just test and Dbol-Nolva 25mg/ed for 4 weeks

    PCT w/test and Deca-Nolva 25mg/ed and clomid 50mg/ed for 4 weeks

  6. #6
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info. Why do you think i should leave Deca out though?

  7. #7
    (1*)'s Avatar
    (1*) is offline Member
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    leave it all out for at least 2 or so more years.

  8. #8
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    first cycle ?????

  9. #9
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    51 u recommend just test enthalate for first time users? Is adding deca to that way too much for my body to withstand?

  10. #10
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    test e is a perfect beginner cycle followed by a pct.

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    i don't think you've reached your genetic potential and AS would not be as beneficial now as if you waited a bit, get your diet in check and you'll grow

    are you trying to bulk or cut, i'll give you some threads to read that will show you how to grow and eat depending on what you want to do

  12. #12
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    jacked .......what kind of pct do you recommend for you recommend running nolvadex throughout the entire cycle?

  13. #13
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    i don't think you've reached your genetic potential and AS would not be as beneficial now as if you waited a bit, get your diet in check and you'll grow

    are you trying to bulk or cut, i'll give you some threads to read that will show you how to grow and eat depending on what you want to do
    i am trying to bulk up right now...i have a few friends that are bodybuilders that i have been training with... so its not an issue of not knowing how to train it is more genetics in my opinion.

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    i understand where your coming from but trust me, i answer this question 100 times a day and you'd be amazed how many people start growing like crazy when they diet correctly

    read this thread on how to eat to bulk, and compare your diet to it

    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

  15. #15
    jmoose is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    i understand where your coming from but trust me, i answer this question 100 times a day and you'd be amazed how many people start growing like crazy when they diet correctly

    read this thread on how to eat to bulk, and compare your diet to it

    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...
    thank you i read through it and its very informative. however i have been following a very similar diet to the one described.

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