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Thread: ??? About T-bol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    ??? About T-bol

    I have never tried t-bol and from what ive read it can be used as a stand alone. but i also have some andriol and i was wondering if that would be ok to cycle with my t-bol. From what ive read T-bol isnt very liver toxic and neither is andriol, but i know using two orals is never suggested. I also have some primo tabs not near enough to do anything. I have proviron and nolvadex but from my understanding it wouldnt be needed in this cycle. I know i should be using some sort of injectable test i will for sure my next cycle but all i have is orals for now.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Mj86 View Post
    I have never tried t-bol and from what ive read it can be used as a stand alone. but i also have some andriol and i was wondering if that would be ok to cycle with my t-bol. From what ive read T-bol isnt very liver toxic and neither is andriol, but i know using two orals is never suggested. I also have some primo tabs not near enough to do anything. I have proviron and nolvadex but from my understanding it wouldnt be needed in this cycle. I know i should be using some sort of injectable test i will for sure my next cycle but all i have is orals for now.
    i wouldnt take the 2 orals
    TBOL and TEST are great cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Tbol can be taken on its own. I am going to run 50mg/daily for 7 wks.

  4. #4
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    Durty SouF
    Quote Originally Posted by Mj86 View Post
    I have never tried t-bol and from what ive read it can be used as a stand alone. but i also have some andriol and i was wondering if that would be ok to cycle with my t-bol. From what ive read T-bol isnt very liver toxic and neither is andriol, but i know using two orals is never suggested. I also have some primo tabs not near enough to do anything. I have proviron and nolvadex but from my understanding it wouldnt be needed in this cycle. I know i should be using some sort of injectable test i will for sure my next cycle but all i have is orals for now.
    why dont you turn it around...try your injectables 1st and see how your body reacts to it...then you should run it with tbol...the thing about tbol believe it or not it has the same down said as dbol...its hard for you to keep your gains..tbol dosent retain as much water as dbol..i know someone who ran a tbol only cycle and now he looks like he right back where he started

  5. #5
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    Apr 2008
    I really would like to run some test cyp but i cant afford to get some bunk injectable and be down for weeks with a massive infection in my ass. I dont fear injections one bit its what can stem from injections that worries me. See i think at this point my best bet will to be just run the 40-50mgs of t-bol for 6-7 weeks and just hope for the best, and just save the rest of the t-bol for a future cycle with some test. I guess ill just have to drop the andriol idea haha i was hoping to add wiht the t-bol just to get rid of the shit. Ive been taken 10 caps(400mg) a day of this shit for about 6 weeks and i havent seen any kind of gain to excited about.
    So any way i also read that proviron can enhance the effect of some steroids but once again its another oral to add with my t-bol( and the whole extended painful bonner idea isnt to soothing either). So im not to sure about that because i wont need it for for its anti E properties. Is it possible to just run the Proviron along with the nolvadex in a pct or will it be wasted there aswell? Does anyone know the shelf life of T-bol? ANother reason i thought the t-bol/andriol would work is because i herd anavar and t-bol is similar but if you guys think it s a bad idea im not gonna question you.
    Last edited by Mj86; 05-01-2008 at 05:07 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by respek View Post
    Tbol can be taken on its own. I am going to run 50mg/daily for 7 wks.
    Yes it can and it will raise your test levels greatly,

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emilio_Rebenga View Post
    why dont you turn it around...try your injectables 1st and see how your body reacts to it...then you should run it with tbol...the thing about tbol believe it or not it has the same down said as dbol...its hard for you to keep your gains..tbol dosent retain as much water as dbol..i know someone who ran a tbol only cycle and now he looks like he right back where he started

    Injectable long acting is a terrible idea. If he breaks out bad all over his face with acne he is stuck with this for months. Same goes for hair loss and other wonderful side effects of test. Orals are fine as you can stop them and reverse bad sides very quickly.

    I wouldn't run tbol over 5 weeks, and over 60mg MAX.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mj86 View Post
    I really would like to run some test cyp but i cant afford to get some bunk injectable and be down for weeks with a massive infection in my ass. I dont fear injections one bit its what can stem from injections that worries me. See i think at this point my best bet will to be just run the 40-50mgs of t-bol for 6-7 weeks and just hope for the best, and just save the rest of the t-bol for a future cycle with some test. I guess ill just have to drop the andriol idea haha i was hoping to add wiht the t-bol just to get rid of the shit. Ive been taken 10 caps(400mg) a day of this shit for about 6 weeks and i havent seen any kind of gain to excited about.
    So any way i also read that proviron can enhance the effect of some steroids but once again its another oral to add with my t-bol( and the whole extended painful bonner idea isnt to soothing either). So im not to sure about that because i wont need it for for its anti E properties. Is it possible to just run the Proviron along with the nolvadex in a pct or will it be wasted there aswell? Does anyone know the shelf life of T-bol? ANother reason i thought the t-bol/andriol would work is because i herd anavar and t-bol is similar but if you guys think it s a bad idea im not gonna question you.
    provion is a waste with tbol. It is ok to combine two orals as long as they are low doses. 20 tbol plus 40 var did great things for me with very little side effects.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2008
    So you think i could run say 6-8 caps andriol for the druation of the t-bol cycle? I really just want to use the stuff im using it now at 10 caps a day and ive gained little but maybe it could prove alittle mor euseful with T-bol.
    would 40mg t-bol and 320mg andriol be too much?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    andriol is overhyped. It just doesn't produce results. 280mg max of andriol. The results you get will be 90% from tbol though.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    True that im taking that shit right now its way overhyped i just dont want to take it alone ill throw in 280mg along wiht 40 of t-bol and see what i get thanks for your help.

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