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Thread: EQ dose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    EQ dose

    Is running EQ at 300 mg/week good for someone whos never used it before? Running it along side test, and i've never stacked any other compounds before so I was wondering if this dose was a good starting point.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    what are your stats and cycle exp?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    My first time with EQ it was at 600mg and i felt that was good for me.

    between 400 and 600 is a good start dose BUT everyone is different. 300 is low as EQ is a weak substnace, and as asked, what are your current stats.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by xjmoochx View Post
    Is running EQ at 300 mg/week good for someone whos never used it before? Running it along side test, and i've never stacked any other compounds before so I was wondering if this dose was a good starting point.
    i think 400mg is better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    5'10 ..215lbs.. around 15% ..only have used enanthate once in the past

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    400-600 would be a good dose.

    You might like it so try 400 and see where it takes you. Make sure to keep your diet clean tho to see some clean results.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    im doing a cutter, wanted to either run the test at 500 and the EQ at 300-400.. or go lower test (around 250, to keep the body functioning better) and higher EQ (around 600) to get more of a feel for how i respond to the EQ.. not sure whats the better option for me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    yeah i would personally run it at 600mgs/week. eq is not a real agressive compound.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    yes my diet is clean im running very little carbs right only carbs pretty much come from veggies and fruit.. other than that im pretty much eating eggs, steak, or chicken with each meal.. olive oil, and/or nuts for healthy fats depending on the meal

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    My first time with EQ was 600mg a week and it was farely mild compound. did up my BP a lil bit tho.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    how much test did u run with the eq?.. i know how test affects me at 500, but i wanted to go with the EQ at a high dose, and test at a low dose just to let the EQ do a majority of the work so I can see how the compound affects me.. AHH decisions afraid to drop the test down to 250 tho, but i wana experiment so i know which compounds work for me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    i would keep the test @ 500mgs. you will notice what the eq does diff as long as you know what test does to you. if that makes sence.
    Last edited by NATE0406; 04-30-2008 at 10:52 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Count on the test for muscle building and weight gain. EQ is nice but its just too weak IMO. With a clean diet EQ600mg per week and test 500mg will yield pretty nice results, especially for a 2nd cycle.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Lego u dont seem to love EQ? I thought it would help me in tightening up and getting harder..but do you think its a waste? How should results differ from my enanthate alone cycle?

    PS. Nate i get what ur sayin too thanks guys

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    yo momas house
    I'm just a stupid noob but I really dont understand why the big boys dislike eq. From my perspective eq has pretty mild side effects/risks, is pretty easy to get a hold of, as far as roids are considered and gives great results when stacked with some test. I was planning such a cycle sometime in the future for a first cycle in the future when I feel I am ready for some juice. Can somebody please share why people dont seem to respect eq so much?

    sorry bro didnt mean to hijack your thread, just my $.02 but I think you can keep the dosage low ~200-300 when you stack with test, when taken alone eq is supposed to be effective from 200-600mg with 400 being the sweet spot for most

    heres the stack I am considering

  16. #16
    It's funny you started this thread bro cause i just got my gear and my source said this stack, Eq with Test, is a common and very efficient begginer stack. I'm planning on starting it within the month, but i was wondering MR T why the dossages for the stack above are so low? Some of the guys are saying 400mg/wk would be the absolute least to take...?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ever think about going with npp)nandrolone phenylpropionate) instead. its a faster acting deca and wud yield better gains instead of eq if thats whet u were looking for.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    yo momas house
    Quote Originally Posted by Colonial2411 View Post
    It's funny you started this thread bro cause i just got my gear and my source said this stack, Eq with Test, is a common and very efficient begginer stack. I'm planning on starting it within the month, but i was wondering MR T why the dossages for the stack above are so low? Some of the guys are saying 400mg/wk would be the absolute least to take...?
    I disagree with 400mg/wk being the absolute minimum dosage for eq, from my limited knowledge and the effective dosage for eq when taken alone is 200-600mg with 400 being the 'sweet spot' for most people. You also have to remember that on a first cycle, your body is going to be more sensitive that a pro on his 3rd or 4th cycle. I personally know a really big guy who got great results from 300mg/week and he was around 225/6' with less than 8% bf and gained around 20 lbs post cycle. This would of course exclude an experienced user who is probably less sensitive than your average newbie, an you also have to remember this is the internet... there has to be some of that little man syndrome going around with some of the inexperienced users, which is manifested into a pissing contest of who can inject the most and as far as believing what your source tells ya at the end of the day he is just a sales man.. make sure you do your research before you believe anything a salesman tells you

    wow that was a lot of typing, well might as well type some more lol

    here are the reasons I like eq
    It has very mild side effects and that is a big plus for me since I am very reluctant to inject myself with black market gear. Price is relatively cheap, its easy to tell counterfeit/tampered gear and I have read and also been told by people who have done eq only cycles, that a 15lbs lean muscle mass gain is easily possible with a 10 week cycle with proper diet and exercise, and you can keep all of the mass you gain. Unlike dbol or deca where you gain a lot of mass and loose some of it after pct, and still have to worry about serous side effects like deca dick, achene etc. pct isn't usually necessary if you do a eq only stack. It also increases your appetite, which is a good thing if your trying to bulk

    now to the disadvantages,
    eq takes a long time to take effect and doesn't peak till 4 weeks into a cycle, this makes it useless for somebody that wants that quick buck, without front loading or staking. also eq gives you that small but consistent mass in a long usually 10-12 week cycle as opposed to a quick increase in a short period, this might be easier on your joints etc but still doesn't help someone that wants a quick bulk

    eq stacked with test
    now here comes the beautiful part, as we all know test is one of the most powerful roid any of us could get our hands on. It gives great results but is also notorious for side effects, especially at higher doses. It turns out (based on my research) taking a low dose 250mg/week of test with a low dose of the mile eq (250mg/week) gives you better results than each of these roids would alone at higher doses. It also gives you lower side effects associated with a lower dosage so is kind of the best of both worlds. This makes the 25lbs gains of lean mass (after pct) possible for a 10-12week cycle

    from my prospective that sounds like a better lean bulk cycle than dbol or deca, sorry about the long post, somebody please let me know if any of the info I have posted is incorect, this is something i really dont want to be wrong about

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    My first cycle was Sus and EQ at 400mg a week. I got amazing pumps. Its a great compound. I did not bloat much at all. All my gains were lean, hard and easily maintainable at the end. I cant give you much in the way of science, but from my personal experience EQ at 400 and test at 400 is probably as little as you would want to go if you want any significant gains.

  20. #20
    MR said it is easily to tell Eq counterfeit/tampered gear, if i post a picture of my gear you think you can take a look at it and let me know what you think?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    May 2008
    waterbury, ct.
    my buddy put me onto the eq and sust he is doing eq at 600 a week and sust at 750 a week w/ real nice gains

  22. #22
    My buddy is on 8th week of 600 Eq and 250 test and has already gained 15 lbs. He looks great but has been very dedicated in gym and is eating like a champ.

  23. #23
    Not using the Deca now, just the Eq...?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    yo momas house
    sorry bro that is complete different from the bottle I saw. post the pic in the fake roid pic section and I am sure the pros will help you find out if it is legit.

    Also go download the anabolics 2006 ebook from pirates bay, the have a whole section full of pics of legit and fake steroids next to each other.. hope this helps

    heres a link

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