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  1. #1
    billtrosc is offline New Member
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    Apr 2004

    36 years old and need first cycle help

    I'm 36 years old and interested in any recommendations for a first cycle. I'm 6'0" about 180lbs currently. I'd like to put on 10-15 lbs and get rid of the gut. Also, what anti-estrogens should I take with the cycle and PCT. Thanks for any help,

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Welcome. What is your body fat%?

  3. #3
    drive it!!'s Avatar
    drive it!! is offline Associate Member
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    yo mamas house
    How long ya been training? what kind of training?

  4. #4
    J431S is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by billtrosc View Post
    I'm 36 years old and interested in any recommendations for a first cycle. I'm 6'0" about 180lbs currently. I'd like to put on 10-15 lbs and get rid of the gut. Also, what anti-estrogens should I take with the cycle and PCT. Thanks for any help,
    click on the word cycle and u will see a list of recommended cycles for first-timers all the way to experience-users.

    good luck but make sure u read the profile on these chmcal and ask questions before u put into your body.

  5. #5
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Welcome. What is your body fat%?
    Quote Originally Posted by drive it!! View Post
    How long ya been training? what kind of training?
    ^^^^stats please, once you give us those i'll give you some threads to read to help you improve your knowledge of what your going to be doing

  6. #6
    guinho's Avatar
    guinho is offline Junior Member
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    I dont know your stats.

    But for your age and for first cycle nothing better that do an cycle with test enant.

  7. #7
    THE PUMP's Avatar
    THE PUMP is offline Member
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    rip off Ireland
    yea test e 10-12 weeks at 500mg and maybe a kickstart with dbol

  8. #8
    guinho's Avatar
    guinho is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE PUMP View Post
    yea test e 10-12 weeks at 500mg and maybe a kickstart with dbol
    agree. or only test enant. and an good pct because with your age takes longer to recover

  9. #9
    billtrosc is offline New Member
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    My body fat is about 12% right now.

  10. #10
    (1*)'s Avatar
    (1*) is offline Member
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    have arimidex on hand. or take it during the cycle for prevention.

  11. #11
    billtrosc is offline New Member
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    How much would you take with a cycle of 500mgs/test e/week?

  12. #12
    gettinbigger2287's Avatar
    gettinbigger2287 is offline New Member
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    i would run d/bol 20-25mg. ed for 5-6wks.and run 500/wk of test for 10 weeks.

    wks. 1-5 dbol 20-25mg ed
    wks. 1-10 test 500mg/wk
    pct accordingly do research

  13. #13
    nightdiver is offline New Member
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    add i tab proviron ED

  14. #14
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettinbigger2287 View Post
    i would run d/bol 20-25mg. ed for 5-6wks.and run 500/wk of test for 10 weeks.

    wks. 1-5 dbol 20-25mg ed
    wks. 1-10 test 500mg/wk
    pct accordingly do research
    i'd run the dbol at 35-40mg/day for 4 weeks since 20-25 won't give you much gain IMO and run the test for 12 weeks, run phneedo's pct

    1-4 dbol 35-40mg

    Quote Originally Posted by nightdiver View Post
    add i tab proviron ED
    why add proviron on a first cycle especially in oral for when he already has an oral

    here's a post on how to run a first cycle i wrote a while ago, hope it helps

    Test Beginner cycle info

    here, i'll lay out some stuff for you,
    first thing, you need to get your diet in check, here is some threads on cutting, lean bulking and pure bulking to give you some info, but you need to post your diet for critiqueing, your wasting your money otherwise


    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...
    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...
    Appetite For Construction

    only when you have your diet down should you think about cycling, a beginner cycle should look like this

    1-12 test e 500mg/week
    1-4 dbol 40mg/day

    take your test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening

    split your dbol up throughout the day, this will keep your blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains

    btw, here are the profiles on the AS you will be using so read them and get to know the stuff your putting in your body

    Test Enth
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Testosterone Enanthate

    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)

    Next is your pct, which should begin two weeks after your last test injection and should be a phneedo's pct, whats that you ask? here it is

    Pheendo's PCT

    while your at it read this one as well for future cycles

    Anthony Roberts PCT

    Now for some other important stuff, you need to have some arimidex on hand in case you start getting water retention or gyno, so get some, in fact, read this thread 3x before you start your cycle as it will tell you....

    All You Need To Know About Gyno

    All you need to know about GYNO.

    that should get you read for your cycle, best of luck

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