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  1. #1
    Newbie2008 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    Questions, Anvar/Prop cycle

    Hey, my stats are: 24 yrs old, 6 feet tall, 220 pounds, 14% BF. I am considering doing the following cycle:

    1-7 Anvar 80mg each day
    1-7 test propinate 150 mg EOD
    1-7 Letro .25mg

    I have had issues with Gyno from a bad previous cycle. So I was going to start off by using Letro for a week before I start my cycle, then use a low dosage of 0.25mg Letro ED.

    Day 1 - 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva + 0.25mg Letro
    Day 2-30- 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    Here are my questions:

    1. Is this a good cycle if my goal is to gain lean muscle & drop a few pounds?

    2. From C-Bino's thread it said I can use Letro during my cycle (dont need to use Nolvadex or any other protection) is that right or am I reading it wrong?

    3a. With the steroids I am using, is it safe to start my PCT 24 hours after my last injection?

    3b. Is my PCT sufficent for my cycle?

    Thanks, I'll appreciate any feedback I can get!!!

  2. #2
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2007
    Why not just stick to prop and run that instead of prop and var? Var is expensive for what it is, and IMO not worth the cost when you consider the benefits you get.

    Your ability to gain a few pounds of lean mass and drop a few pounds of fat will greatly revolve around your diet. With a good diet, yes you can do it. With a poor diet, don't expect much.

    You can use Letro during a cycle, but be careful with it. The body needs estrogen to repair your muscles. Without enough estrogen in the body, your gains will be greatly hindered. I wouldn't personally ever run Letro during a cycle. I would have it on hand if gyno came up. Instead maybe consider running .25mg every other day of arimidex or even running 5-10mg of Nolva every day instead.

    PCT starts 1 day after your last injection of prop since prop is a short ester.

    I personally like to frontload clomid on day one of my PCT. I usually run 300mg on day one, then 100mg for days 2-14 followed by 50mg for days 15-28. I also run 10mg of Nolva during the entire PCT. Because you are running only 7 weeks, a 3 week PCT would be fine.

  3. #3
    Newbie2008 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008
    Ya i think i will take your advice on the letro, and just do 2 weeks of it then switch over to nolvadex & then just keep the letro on hand for gyno.

    And as for the Var, I have seen some really good results from it (friends of mine who took it). So I've been wanting to try it for a while. Its costing me $2 per 10mgs. So I thought it might be worth the cost.

    And I think ill take your PCT suggestion too
    Day 1 - 300mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva
    Day 2-21 - 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    In regards to switching from Letro to Nolvadex after 2 weeks while on cycle, that wont cause any problems?

    Thanks for the suggestions

  4. #4
    Nstart is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2007
    Like I said above, switching from Letro to Nolvadex may hinder your gains if you take too much. Some people make great gains with 10mg of Nolva each day during a cycle. Others literally come to a standstill with muscle and strength gains on the same 10mg of Nolva. You are going to have try it and see how your body reacts to whatever dosage you take. Then adjust accordingly.

    But I don't see a problem with switching from Letro to Nolva during the cycle (if not over done). I personally run .25mg of Arimidex (Liquidex from AR-R ) during my cycle.

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