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Thread: proviron?

  1. #1
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    Well I was reading alittle today and I was just wondering if it would be effective to run proviron through a cycle and pct since it has benefits for both parts of a complete cycle... and what would effective doses for each situations be? oh yea in 24 5'7" at 205 14% BF and this is just an informative thread for me I havent even cycled yet but the first will be a test only here sometime this summer... And if you have any threads that would help me with this question go ahead and post them since i ve been looking myself

    thanks for the replies in advance,
    Last edited by duggadoo; 05-04-2008 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    anyone haha

  3. #3
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    found my answer just had to do abit of diggin so dont bother posting haha

  4. #4
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    i tried proviron for my cycle as an aromatase inhibitor. I am running test 250/week, deca 400/wk. I started to get gyno, and bloated. THat was at 25mg/day. I bumped it to 50mg/day. Still gyno and bloat. And my hair started thinning, fast. So i started letro, and gyno and bloat went away. Its a weak AI.

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