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  1. #1
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Question 3rd cycle prep - advice

    Hi all!

    finished my last (2nd) run on Feb 28. was 16wks Test E, 14wks EQ, 5wks Dbol & 4wks Halo. gains were good, but lost a lot during PCT due to shoulder injury and knee probs. wana jump back on start of July for an 8weeker of Test Prop/Tren -Mast combo/Var.

    was planning on Test Prop 100mg ed, Tren-Mast combo 100mg ed (50mg Tren A & 50mg Mast), Var 50-100mg ed.

    Arimidex and B12 throughout, Nolva, Proviron and HCG for PCT.

    aim of cycle is lean mass, strength and endurance (m/a and athletics) .... I can hear some say "drop the Tren" since it will (apparently) wreck the endurance part - if that's really the case could I still keep the Mast on or should I cut it down to Prop/Var only??
    looking forward to your advice....

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    How are you ganna keep the masteron if you drop the tren if there a combo?

  3. #3
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    How are you ganna keep the masteron if you drop the tren if there a combo?
    have a seperate load of Mast as well.

    may I assume your question indicates that I could keep the Mast on in view of my aim and drop the Tren ?
    Last edited by davidinvienna; 05-05-2008 at 04:49 PM.

  4. #4
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    How are you ganna keep the masteron if you drop the tren if there a combo?

    i would drop the var. jmo. prop/tren /mast is a awsome cycle no need for the var.

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post

    i would drop the var. jmo. prop/tren/mast is a awsome cycle no need for the var.
    I agree.

    No need for var with a strong DHT like masteron in the cycle.

    With the tren and mast at 25mg each per day, i dont think you will have to bad issues with cardio/endurance.. but if you do, drop the tren and go with the test and mast.

  6. #6
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    I agree.

    No need for var with a strong DHT like masteron in the cycle.

    With the tren and mast at 25mg each per day, i dont think you will have to bad issues with cardio/endurance.. but if you do, drop the tren and go with the test and mast.
    sounds great - thanks. btw, it is tren /mast at 50mg each per day. combo has 100mg/ml of each so 1/2ml will bring it down to a total of 100 (50/50)

    with short esters should I still run the Test longer than the Tren or is the fact that I am runnin 100mg Prop ed over 50mg Tren ed sufficient?

  7. #7
    shifty_git's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidinvienna View Post
    sounds great - thanks. btw, it is tren /mast at 50mg each per day. combo has 100mg/ml of each so 1/2ml will bring it down to a total of 100 (50/50)

    with short esters should I still run the Test longer than the Tren or is the fact that I am runnin 100mg Prop ed over 50mg Tren ed sufficient?
    Ahh i get ya - 50mg of each will be a great mix.

    It been suggested that tren increases lactic acid activity which is why endurance can be hit. But if your body is used to more athletics than the normal bodybuilder then as long as ya take all the usual necessary precautions (rest, don't over train, supps etc) then hopefully it won't hit ya so bad.

    Run the test a few extra days past the tren, will make recovery a little easier.

    Whats ya planned PCT?

  8. #8
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    def drop the var... ive heard from people that tren only affects some people with the whole cardiovascular issue.. i think u should try it out .. and if u notice a decrease in your vo2 max and cardiovascular training, then drop it and grab the EQ/TEST/MAST cycle. B/c i know when i do EQ and Test together i can run sprints for days!

  9. #9
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    Ahh i get ya - 50mg of each will be a great mix.

    It been suggested that tren increases lactic acid activity which is why endurance can be hit. But if your body is used to more athletics than the normal bodybuilder then as long as ya take all the usual necessary precautions (rest, don't over train, supps etc) then hopefully it won't hit ya so bad.

    Run the test a few extra days past the tren, will make recovery a little easier.

    Whats ya planned PCT?
    have Nolva, Provi and HCG for PCT - Adex and B12 throughout ... sound good?

  10. #10
    davidinvienna is offline Associate Member
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    PCT in your opinion ok regards this 8weeker?

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