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  1. #1
    BayouPumps's Avatar
    BayouPumps is offline Associate Member
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    question about DBol

    I am planning on starting my sustaplex 325/dbol in a week or two. The Dbols I got are small pink oval shaped with a cut in the middle for easy splitting. I have done a similar cycle quite a few years ago, actually it was sustanon 250/week and 25mg dbol/day for 4 weeks.

    With these Dbol, since they are 10mg, would it be ok to split them up taking just 25mg ed. I mean if anyone has any info on these it would be great, I remember my last cycle people said not to split the higher dosage dbols because you didn;t know if you were going to get the same dosage because the pills might not be equal dosage per half. I am pretty confident that everything I got is legit and I have read some good things about it...was just wondering if it was possible to not get the same dosage/half of each pill or if anyone thinks this is not a good idea, I would like to hear from you as well.

    BTW I didn;t just join, been around for a while but my old login wouldn't allow me to post. Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    If they are legit tabs, they are good to go... There is no way to make a tab that has all filler on one end and the drug on the other. it is all evenly mixed and dosed prior to pressing.

  3. #3
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    there from a good lab bro and yes you can split them but 25mgs is a little low

  4. #4
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    Dbol life is short in your system, an even dose 3 times a day will keep your blood level more even. 10mg 3 times a day...

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Just up it to 3 tabs a day.

    No point in messing around and splitting them.

  6. #6
    BayouPumps's Avatar
    BayouPumps is offline Associate Member
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    San Diego
    3 tabs a day, done. Thanks for the help just a little nervous about losing my hair, it already seems to be falling out and I think the Rogaine I use is BUNK haha.

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