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  1. #1
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    Anadrol/test e/tren stack

    I am ready to start my 3rd cycle and was thinking 12 weeks of test e 400mg a week, 4 weeks of androl 50 at the beginning and last 6 weeks of homebrewed tren ace 75mg EOD. I read milk thistle is a must while on Anadrol . people have alot of mixed feelings about anadrol? I have HCG , and nolv and clom for pct. I would like to hear some advise from others with more experience. I also enough have dbol left over from my last cycle to substitute if needed. thanks

    Stats: age 37, 155lb, 3 cycle, 13%bf 3.5 yrs training

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    How tall are you?

    155lb after 3 cycles sounds like ya doing something wrong.

    What did you weight b4 ya first cycle?

  3. #3
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    3 years ago lean125, 5'4". At the end of my 2 nd cycle i was 170, but alot of water. I have gained inches in all areas, but i was conservative on my other cycles. was paranoid of sides, and now i got a good idea how my body reacts.

  4. #4
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Lower the test to 300mg per week, and up the tren to 100mg eod.
    (Might as well utilize the power of the tren, as test is weak compared,
    and 300mg will keep physiological function, but as is lower is less likey to to convert to estro... which is a good thing as estro acts like a magnifier to the prog/prolactin sides from the tren)

    Keep an AI on hand.

    Use the HCG , nolva, clomid and the AI for PCT (always make sure PCT is strong after using a 19nor)

  5. #5
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    if i see signs of gyno starting, what will be most effective and what dosage?

  6. #6
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    You talking about the AI?

    If its arimidex 0.25mg eod or ed if need be.

  7. #7
    NoYokes is offline Junior Member
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    anyone else have advise with anadrol in this stack?

  8. #8
    Civic0's Avatar
    Civic0 is offline Associate Member
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    anadrol is too potent for me, and its like drinking fire and passing it through your liver...cut them in half and take only half a day....

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoYokes View Post
    I am ready to start my 3rd cycle and was thinking 12 weeks of test e 400mg a week, 4 weeks of androl 50 at the beginning and last 6 weeks of homebrewed tren ace 75mg EOD. I read milk thistle is a must while on Anadrol . people have alot of mixed feelings about anadrol? I have HCG , and nolv and clom for pct. I would like to hear some advise from others with more experience. I also enough have dbol left over from my last cycle to substitute if needed. thanks

    Stats: age 37, 155lb, 3 cycle, 13%bf 3.5 yrs training
    SUST/TREN/ANADROL/HGH was one of the best size and strength gains Ive ever used

  10. #10
    _007 is offline Associate Member
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    i agree with shifty, just finished a tren /test e cycle yesterday. It was an awsome cycle i gained 18-20lbs with min water retention i dont even look bloated at all so im confident ill keep alot of what ive gained. but half way through the cycle i upped my test dose from 250mg a week to 500 & not long after i started getting gyno. Ide keep your test dose as low as you can just as a replacment to the loss of your natural test production. Good luck with your cycle tren ace is great im gonna use it again forsure.
    Last edited by _007; 05-06-2008 at 12:18 AM.

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