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Thread: Erection Q

  1. #1
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    Erection Q

    So I am on a Test 600 cycle along with duta .5mg ed. The thing is with my past cycles my dick was always up through out my cycle (have done 4 cycles before).. this cycle it only stand up after i work it a bit, then also it's like a forced erection, meaning it doesnt stretch out to it's maximum size. But i was using suprdrol 10mg during this cycle and when i was using that my dick was super big, like it was going to stretch out of it's skin. After i stopped it, it's back to being normal.... Why is this? I would expect with all the extra test it should still be all pumped up. All i can think of is the duta which might be causing this? But if that's true then how come with the superdrol it was so pumped & big?

  2. #2
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Maybe you are stressing! That has a HUGE effect on the little big guy!

  3. #3
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
    Emilio_Rebenga is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adude006 View Post
    So I am on a Test 600 cycle along with duta .5mg ed. The thing is with my past cycles my dick was always up through out my cycle (have done 4 cycles before).. this cycle it only stand up after i work it a bit, then also it's like a forced erection, meaning it doesnt stretch out to it's maximum size. But i was using suprdrol 10mg during this cycle and when i was using that my dick was super big, like it was going to stretch out of it's skin. After i stopped it, it's back to being normal.... Why is this? I would expect with all the extra test it should still be all pumped up. All i can think of is the duta which might be causing this? But if that's true then how come with the superdrol it was so pumped & big?
    good question...personally i had the same problem (not really a prob for me but for my girl) when i was on superdrol...

  4. #4
    maroZ's Avatar
    maroZ is offline Associate Member
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    i know duta does some errection problems but not sure on your case

  5. #5
    hunter7 is offline Junior Member
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    i get that on cycle too, I can "stretch" out more when I'm off cycle than when im all juiced up. Have you ever done superdrol by itself and had a similiar experience with the raging wood or do you think it was the combo of both?

  6. #6
    adude006 is offline Associate Member
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    I did superdrol once with epistane... and again with test. Both times it made my dick really pumped & it was biggest i've ever seen it. Ofcourse both times i had to cut my superdrol cycle short coz even though it helped my dick, it started to screw up my hair.

    So i doubt it's a combo... Its funny though that the Test at such a high dosage cant even compete with just 10mg of superdrol

  7. #7
    respek is offline Associate Member
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    Stop taking the superdrol. I would rather have a penis that works than big muscles without the ability to obtain a good erection.

  8. #8
    Z-Ro's Avatar
    Z-Ro is offline Senior Member
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    Easy my friend, Dutasteride is a DHT inhibitor.

    DHT is one of the major hormones responsible for libido in males.

    Dutasteride at .5mg ED off cycle is very noticeable, trust me. If you have real stuff it can be pretty potent.

    So basically either cut your dosage down to .25mg ED and add in some topical support to counter-act the increase of DHT or live with the limpness side effect and keep your hair.

    My solution, .25mg ED with topicals--if you are concerned I would try not to jack off so much (seriously) and use Arginine, throw in some jelqing (seriously). Whenever you get an erection you use up certain chemicals and say you are flogging it everyday, well, your erections are not going to be as hard as if you only jacked off, had sex every few days.

    Only way to counter the above is to do some big time DHT like Masteron or Provoiron which would in turn make you shed but would lead to good erections.

    You just have to find your own personal sweet spot my man...throw in topicals, shampoos, conditioners, inhibitors, supplements (Saw Palmetto) etc...

    God Bless!

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