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  1. #1
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Question about oral winn to end

    so im almost done with my cycle..i was runnin Test-S And Dbol ...i used the dbol to get my strength untill the test kicked in...i have some winnstrol to end it..i kno that test stays in your system for a while after your last injection...any ideas on when to run my winstrol ..i was plannin on waiting a week and a half after my last injection...what your opinion?

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    bro you need to run winny with test. not on its own. you need to run winny the last 6 weeks of your cycle.

  3. #3
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    bro you need to run winny with test. not on its own. you need to run winny the last 6 weeks of your cycle.
    point taken...the reason i havent ran it like that is b/c that would equal to about 10 weeks on orals...i kno orals suck some major donkey balls..but thats all i had my hand u would suggest runnin it anyways? (glad i picked up the extra bottle of milk thistle)

  4. #4
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    i would just save it for your next cycle. you could have a nice cutting cycle with winny and test.

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    whiskey15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emilio_Rebenga View Post
    point taken...the reason i havent ran it like that is b/c that would equal to about 10 weeks on orals...i kno orals suck some major donkey balls..but thats all i had my hand u would suggest runnin it anyways? (glad i picked up the extra bottle of milk thistle)
    Dont run it alone after you stop your test injection, your test levles will be ****ed for a while, run the PCT to get your test levels back to normal and use winny for the next cycle last 4-6weeks

  6. #6
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    i would just save it for your next cycle. you could have a nice cutting cycle with winny and test.
    sweet...thats what i was thinking..i wish i couldve gotten my hands on some injectable winn...oh nate..i have another question for u...what do u think i can run at the end of my cycle..i have a little more access to get my hands on some stuff now...oh and thank you for the input brother

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    NATE0406's Avatar
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    you want somthing to run at the end of your current cycle?? what are your goals??

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    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    you want somthing to run at the end of your current cycle?? what are your goals??
    yea...i gained some stupid weight off of the test-s (i love that stuff btw) looking to harden up and prob get a little more definition...i have some clen on hand...but i was gonna save that for labor day weekend when i hit the beach

  9. #9
    NATE0406's Avatar
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    i would just go with the clen . and you dont have to worry about it taking a while for the test to clear your system because you are using a test suspension. you will be ready for pct a couple of days after last injection.

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    cool...i thought so...thnx for the input brother...keep jucin!

  11. #11
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emilio_Rebenga View Post
    so im almost done with my cycle..i was runnin Test-S And Dbol...i used the dbol to get my strength untill the test kicked in...i have some winnstrol to end it..i kno that test stays in your system for a while after your last injection...any ideas on when to run my winstrol..i was plannin on waiting a week and a half after my last injection...what your opinion?
    run the last 4-5 weeks with your testosterone

  12. #12
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    run the last 4-5 weeks with your testosterone was answered already thnx...but im not goin to do it b/c i was already on orals when i 1st started...thats too long to be on orals...but thanks..i apreciate your input

  13. #13
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emilio_Rebenga View Post
    so im almost done with my cycle..i was runnin Test-S And Dbol...i used the dbol to get my strength untill the test kicked in...i have some winnstrol to end it..i kno that test stays in your system for a while after your last injection...any ideas on when to run my winstrol..i was plannin on waiting a week and a half after my last injection...what your opinion?
    I think the others misunderstood what you asked.
    Are you finished the Test now?
    As you cant start PCT till two weeks after last shot you can run the winny 12days past last shot to bring you up to PCT time.

    So if you still injecting then you got time for the winny still.

    Is that what you meant?

    EDIT: No scrap that I misunderstood. Its suspension you using.
    Last edited by BIGDOGIRISH; 05-06-2008 at 03:41 AM.

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